Chapter 20

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Meanwhile at Kim's house..

Porsche pov..

Porsche, Vegas and Porchay go into the house and say.. 'Vegas.. You go upstairs.. Porchay.. You go to the bathroom.. And I will go to the kitchen..' Vegas and Porchay split up and looking for Kim again.. Porsche walk to the kitchen with a gun in his hands and look around... Porsche then ask.. 'Where the hell are you Kim Kimhan?'

Vegas pov..

Vegas start to look for Kim in each bedroom.. Unfortunately.. Kim is nowhere to be found.. Vegas then walk towards the balcony and check as well... Vegas then see another taxi stopping in front of the gate.. Vegas feel shock as he see Macau come out from the taxi.. Vegas then say.. 'Oh no.. Macau..' Vegas quickly go downstairs and run towards the front gate and hug Macau... Macau rub Vegas's back body gently and ask.. 'Where is everyone?' Arm and Thankhun appear and hug Macau.. Thankhun then say.. 'We are looking for Kim, Macau.. He is nowhere to be seen..' Porchay run towards Macau and hug him.. Macau hug Porchay tightly and say.. 'Im worried sick... You shouldn't suppose to be here sweetheart..' Arm sigh slowly and say.. 'I guess.. That is for you Macau... You, Porchay and Porsche should return to the hospital.. We can take it from here..' Porsche then come out with the phone in his hands and say.. 'Guys.. I found this phone on the table at living room.. I haven't noticed it..' Arm then take the phone from Porsche and read it.. 'Meet me at the warehouse..'

Thankhun then say.. 'Arm.. Please help us.. We need to go to the warehouse..' Arm then nod and hack the location and say.. 'I already found it.. Kim and Kinn are there... They were at an old warehouse..' Porsche frown and ask.. 'A warehouse? But why?' Vegas then reply back.. 'Im afraid they already have a plan..' Macau then say.. 'Phi.. We didn't have any weapons.. Except for phi Porsche..' Arm walk towards the bonnet and open it.. Thankhun smile at Arm and say.. 'You are very genius Arm!' Arm then give a gun to Macau, Porchay, Vegas and Thankhun.. Arm then take a spare bullets and give it to them.. Porsche then say.. 'No matter what happens.. We will always stay together..' Vegas nod and smile at Porsche then say... 'Alright.. Let's go..' All of them then get into the car and go to the warehouse..

Meanwhile at the warehouse..

Kim pov

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Kim pov..

Kim is sitting on teh chair with Kinn.. One of the Italian come towards them and ask... 'Signor Kim, cosa stiamo facendo qui?' (Mr Kim, what are we doing here?) 'Kinn then reply back..' Stiamo aspenttando i nostri amici'(We are waiting for friends) 'The Italians then ask again..' Cosa vuoi che facciamo? (What do you want us to do?) 'Kim then drink his wine and say..' Finiscili tutti'(Finish them all)'
The other Italian then come towards them and say..' Signor Kim, Signor Kinn, loro sono qui'(Mr Kim, Mr Kinn, they are here') Kinn then reply back.. 'Portateli dentro' (Bring them in)'The man then nod and bring Vegas, Porsche, Macau, Porchay, Thankhun and Arm into the warehouse..

They walk into the warehouse and feel shock to see Kim and Kinn

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They walk into the warehouse and feel shock to see Kim and Kinn.. Thankhun then ask with a disappointment..' How could you both do this? 'Kim and Kinn smirk and look at each other.. Kim then say...' Hello Thankhun.. 'Vegas then look at one of the Italian and ask..' Cosa sta succedendo qui? '(What's going on here?)' Kinn then say... 'Easy there my cousin.. Kim just want to have Porchay again..' Macau then pull Porchay to stand behind him and reply back.. 'I will never give Porchay to you Kim Kimhan..If you dare to hurt him again,I won't tolerate with you anymore..' Kim smirk and say... 'Porchay was mine from the start Macau..' Macau look at Arm and say.. 'Phi...' Arm then look back at Macau and say.. 'Chay.. Come on... You can't fight in this battle..' One of the Italian start to shoot them.. Porsche then yell.. 'Guys! Watch out!!' Vegas quickly shoot them in return..

Arm then whisper to Porchay and say.. 'Pull the trigger and shoot.. Don't think about anything else.. Mr Thankhun and I will take care of you Chay..' Chay nod and pull the trigger and start to shoot those Italians as well.. Porsche and Vegas split up and start to fight.. Kinn then yell.. 'Kill them all!!' Kim get up and shoot Macau but fail as Thankhun shoot Kim's arm.. Kinn then shoot Vegas but fail as Porchay shoot from the behind.. Arm then say.. 'Stop it!!' Porsche walk towards Kim and start to fight with Kim.. Porchay is about to run towards Porsche but got stop immediately by Macau and Vegas.. Vegas shoot the Italian again and say.. 'We are out numbered!' Kim punch Porsche's faces until Porsche fall on the ground.. Thankhun then yell.. 'No! Porsche!' Porchay then run towards Kim and fight with him and say.. 'Let him go bastard!!' Suddenly.. There's another loud shot that come from behind.. Time then yell.. 'Enough Kim and Kinn! The police are on their way!' Tay shoot Kim's arms and say.. 'Just surrender yourself!' The Italian then shoot Arm.. Arm hiss in pain and shoot them again and again.. Thankhun then yell.. 'Arm!' Macau then fight with Kinn and shoot his head twice while Vegas continue to fight with the Italians.. Porsche use his strength to fight with Kim... Vegas then yell.. 'Porsche!' Macau continue to fight with the Italians along with Time and Tay.. Thankhun then say.. 'Arm.. Let's go..' Thankun shoot the Italian and leave the warehouse..

Arm then hold his left arms and say.. 'We can't leave them..' Thankun shake his head and say.. 'I must take you to the hospital.. Let's go..' Thankun take Arm and drive to the hospital.. As the fights continue...The polices finally arrives at the warehouse... The polices then ambush the warehouse and say.. 'Hands up! You all are under arrest!!' Porsche then punch Kim's face and say.. 'Don't come near Porchay again!!' One of the police officers (Big) and his friend (Ken) walk towards Kim and Kinn and handcuffs them and say... Walk! Move! 'Porsche then hug Porchay and say..' Don't worry Chay.. You already safe now.. 'Macau kiss Porchay's head and look at Vegas.. Vegas walk towards Porsche and say..' Im so proud of you sweetheart.. 'Time and Tay walk towards them and shake hands with them.. Porchay then say..' We must go to the hospital.. Phi Arm got shot just now.. 'Macau then say..' We can't just leave them here..'One of the Italian who is hiding since just now finally come out.. Vegas is about to shoot but got stop by Porsche.. Time then ask..' Why are you hiding? 'The Italian then reply back..' Mr Kim and Mr Kinn already planned all these.. They want you all to be kill.. Including him.. 'Everyone then look at Porchay.. Porchay then say..' Now you already free... Off you go now.. And.. Thanks for not getting yourself involved in this matter.. 'The Italian bow his head and leave the warehouse.. Macau then say..' Let's go to the hospital.. 'All of them then leave the warehouse and drive to the hospital..

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