Chapter 17

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As soon as Porchay leave the house.. Porchay is surrounded by a few man who wear a black mask.. Porchay then ask.. 'Who are you guys?! What do you want from me?!Porchay is about to scream but fail as one of the man cover Porchay's mouth with a handkerchief.. Porchay lose his consciousness and fall on the ground.. One of the man then say..' Let's bring him to the car.. Our boss will be happy to see his pet..' Another man nod in respond and carry Porchay in his arms and put Porchay into the car.. Kinn look at Porchay and smirk.. Kinn then say.. 'Let's go to Kim's house.. This is what he wants actually..' One of the man nod and drive to Kim's house..

After 15 minutes later..

Kinn and his few boys finally arrives at Kim's house.. Kim silently watching from the balcony and speak in his heart.. 'That's Kinn's car.. What's he doing here? He even brought his assistant..' Kim then go in and walk downstairs and come out from the house and ask.. 'What are you doing here Kinn?' Kinn smirk and reply back.. 'I have something for you my little brother.. Im sure you must feel happy to see him...' Kinn then open the car door and look at Kim again.. Kim then say.. 'Porchay... My Porchay..' Kim quickly pull out Porchay from Kinn's car and say.. 'Thanks Kinn..' Kinn then say.. 'And now.. I will go to the hospital..' Kim smirk at Kinn and say... 'Good luck with that..' Kinn then get into the car follow up by his boys.. Kinn then drive to the hospital..

Kim look at Porchay and carry him in his arms and go into the house.. Kim then walk upstairs and put Porchay in his room.. Kim slowly put Porchay on the bed and look at him.. Kim is about to kiss Porchay's lips but notice a kiss mark on Porchay's neck... Kim then say... 'Macau....' Kim squeeze his fist and ask.. 'How dare he left the kiss mark on Porchay's neck..? Im going to kill you Macau... Soon..' After a few minutes later.. Porchay open his eyes and feel his head is spinning.. Porchay then say.. 'Phi Macau...' Kim then say in a serious tone.. 'Im Kim.. Not Macau..' Porchay feel shock as he see Kim.. Porchay then ask.. 'What's going on? What is happening to me? God.. My head..' Kim then say.. 'Just forget about Macau... From now on.. Im going to take care of you Chay... I promise..' Porchay laugh and ask..'I promise?' No need to say that word anymore phi Kim.. Im getting sick of it.. Let me go now.. 'Porchay is about to get down from the bed but got stop by Kim immediately.. Porchay slap Kim's face and say..' Don't touch me bastard! Im already belong to phi Macau! 'Kim then choke Porchay and ask..' What did you say huh?! Belong?! Since when?! 'Porchay almost out of his breath..Porchay then kick Kim's chest and about to escape but fail again as Porchay got pull by his hair.. Porchay then yell in pain and say..' Its hurt!! Let me go! 'Kim push Porchay until Porchay's head hit the wall.. Kim slap Porchay's face until Porchay's lips are bleeding... Kim then yell..' How dare you Chay?! 'Porchay laugh and say...' You are too late phi.... I even had a sex with Phi Macau... 'Kim start to lose control and drag Porchay and throw him on the bed and start to rip it off Chay's clothes... Porchay then say..' Let me go! Let me go! 'Kim take off his belt and whip Porchay's back body twice.. Porchay yell in pain and say..' Stop... Please stop... 'Kim slap Porchay's face and say..' If you keep mentioning about Macau again.. Im going to kill that man! Do you understand?! 'Porchay then push Kim away and yell..' Stay away from him bastard! I love phi Macau! Not you! 'Porchay try his best to escape but fail as Kim hit Porchay's head near the wall twice and start to whip Porchay's back again and again... Kim smirk and say..' Let's see how long you are going to survive Chay.. '

Kim then start to rape Porchay.. Porchay then say.. 'No.. Please.. Aaaah.. Phi Macau...' Kim punch Porchay's face and say... Its Kim Kimhan idiot!!'Porchay then yell..' phi Macau!!!Help me!! Please help me!! 'Kim whip Porchay's back again and again until Porchay start to feel weak... Kim pull Porchay's hair and say..' That Macau won't be able to save you Chay... Because this house is guard by a bodyguards.. 'Suddenly.. There's a door open.. Macau then yell..' Bastard!! Let him go!! 'Kim turn around and see Macau and ask..' How the hell did you get in?!'Thankun and Arm feel shock as they see Porchay's condition.. Thankhun then yell..' Kim! Let him go!'Arm then start to fight with Kim while Macau drag a blanket and cover Porchay's body.. Thankhun then say..' Arm! Enough! Let's just leave him! We must leave before Kim kill us!'Kim take out his gun and shoot the ceilings.. Macau quickly take Porchay out from the room.. While Kim manage to shoot Macau's shoulder.. Macau hiss in pain and say...' Phi Thankhun.. Please help me to take Porchay out of here... 'Thankun shake his head and say..' No.. Please hold on Macau! Lets go to the hospital! 'Arm strike Kim's head until he faint on the floor.. Arm then jump through the window and say..' Hurry up! 'Macau then put Porchay into the car and get in..Thankhun then say...' Macau! Please don't close your eyes yet! Please hold on! 'Arm then ask..' Did Kim shoot Macau?! 'Macau then yell..' Don't ask too much questions Arm!Don't worry about me! We need to save Porchay's life.. He is the most important! 'Arm start to drive to the hospital...

Meanwhile at the hospital..

Kinn pov..

Kinn is sitting in his car while thinking about the next plan.. Kinn then speak in his heart..' I must kidnap Porsche... Vegas should suffer like I did..'Kinn is about to get out from his car but stop as he see Thankhun' s car.. Kinn then see Arm,Thankhun, Macau and Porchay.. 4 of them get out from the car and quickly go in.. Kinn then speak in his heart.. 'I must leave before they see me here..' Kinn then leave the hospital and return to Theerapanyakul mansion

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