Chapter 16

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At Kim's house..

Kim and Kinn are standing in front of the board... Kim then take the dart and throw it towards Porchay's picture.. The dart manage to hit the target... Kinn also do the same thing as Kim did.. Kinn sigh heavily as he see the dart didn't hit on Porsche's picture.. Kim smirk and reply back.. 'You better forget it Kinn.. As I said before.. Porsche didn't do anything wrong.. You got a wrong target..' Kinn then ask.. 'Who should be my target then? Vegas? Macau?' Kim turn around and look at him then ask.. 'Why don't you target your little brother? Im the one who killed Tawan..' Kim sip his wine and stare at Porchay's picture with a sharp gaze.. Kinn start to feel annoyed by the question and pour a wine into the glass and drink it as well.. Kim then trace Kinn's face by using his finger and say..' You should be careful Kinn.. If you want to target someone.. You should think properly... Rather than target about Porsche.. Why don't you target Vegas? I knew that you already interested in Porsche since Porsche came to the mansion..' Kinn then look at Kim and say...' Nonsense..'Kinn come towards Kim and sniff his neck gently.. Kim look at Kinn and say..' Crazy guy.. 'Kim then throw another dart and those dart manage to hit Porsche's picture.. Kim then say..' If you can't seek a revenge on Porsche.. Then.. I will help you.. 'Kinn then continue to sniff Kim's neck gently.. While Kim seems enjoying it a little... Kinn then let his brother go and say...' I will go back now... Its seems.. I already have a plan by my own... Just focus on your target.. 'Kinn then leave Kim's house..

Back to Macau and Porchay...

Macau start to take off Porchay's school uniform and put it on the floor and kiss his chest gently.. Porchay close his eyes while stroking Macau's head... Macau look at Porchay and smile softly.. Porchay trace Macau's whole face with his long finger.. Macau close his eyes and kiss Porchay's finger as he enjoying it...Macau and Porchay stare at each other face while Macau's hands start to unzip Porchay's school pants... Porchay feel Macau already pull down the pants... Porchay then say... 'Its ok phi...' Macau kiss Porchay's lips softly and put his hands inside Porchay's boxer and gently play with his junior...Porchay close his eyes and start moan and say.. 'Aaaah.. P.. Phi...' Macau smile at Porchay and ask.. 'Yes?' Porchay moan again as Macau play with his junior again.. 'Porchay then say...' Aaaah mmmhh.. Phi... 'Macau take off Porchay's boxer and look at him... Porchay then say...' Im yours now... 'Macau kiss Porchay's forehead and say...' Just relax..'Porchay stroke Macau's cheek gently and kiss his lips and answer back..' Im right here with you phi Macau...'Macau then say...' I know this is a 1st time for you Chay... I never do this as well.. But I promise.. I will be gentle..'Porchay nod slowly and allow Macau to take a next step.. Macau smile at Porchay and slowly lift Porchay's right leg and put it onto his shoulder.. Macau slowly thrust Porchay.. Porchay moan slowly and say...' P.. Phi... 'Macau notice there's a tears start to fall out from Porchay's eyes and say..' Its alright sweetheart.. Stay relax.. 'Porchay then say..' Mmmhh.. Phi... More please...'Macau chuckle and continue to thrust Porchay again and again... Porchay feel his face getting red and quickly cover it with the pillow.. Macau then say..' Chay... No need to cover it.. You are my boyfriend and I love to see your blushing face.. 'Porchay hit Macau with the pillow and hug Macau's neck and kiss Macau's lips hungrily.. Macau then say..' Wow.. My baby boy is really naughty hmm.. 'Porchay then say with a bold tone..' Look whose brother it is.. 'Macau continue to thrust Porchay while Porchay close his eyes as he feels more pleasure.. Macau then ask..' Do you like it hmm? 'Porchay smile at Macau and say..' I love you phi.. 'Macau smile and increase the speed of the thrust.. Porchay moan again and say..' Mmmhh.. Phi....'Macau kiss Porchay's wet forehead and release it inside Porchay.. Porchay look at Macau and move slowly towards him and put his head on Macau's chest.. Macau smile at Porchay and stroke his head gently and say..' Thank you Chay... 'Porchay then kiss Macau's lips softly and say..' Im the one who should say that phi..'Macau then ask..' Have you ever done it with Kim before? 'Porchay shake his head slowly and say...' You are the 1st one.. 'Macau kiss Porchay's lips and say..' Im really lucky Chay...'Porchay chuckle and ask back..' Is it because of this? 'Macau laugh and say..' No.. Its because Im with you.. I never imagined that I would have someone that love me like this.. Even my father never love me and phi Vegas.. 'Porchay frown and ask..' Why? What happened? 'Macau then reply back..' Father never love me and phi Vegas.. We never deserved be called as his sons... But.. Im grateful because phi Vegas finally have someone to look after him... Just like you and I..And..Can I ask a request? 'Macau stroke Porchay's lips while looking at him.. Porchay then say..' Sure phi.. What is it?'Macau then say..' Stay by my side until death part us away.. 'Porchay hug Macau and say..' I will phi Macau.. I love you..'Macau smile at him and humming a lullaby for Porchay.. Porchay slowly fall asleep beside Macau..

After 1 hour later..

Macau wake up as he see Porchay isn't beside him.. Macau suddenly smell something nice appear around him.. Macau wear his clothes and go downstairs and walk towards the kitchen and see Porchay is cooking fried rice.. Macau hug Porchay from behind and kiss his cheek gently and say.. 'Hey sweetheart..' Porchay then turn around and kiss Macau's lips softly and say.. 'You should wait at the table.. The fried rice will be ready in 5 minutes..' Macau then ask.. 'Sweetheart.. How long phi Porsche work as a bartender?I really want to make something special for us but I have no idea..' Porchay then say...'You must wait until phi Porsche return.. Then you can learn from him..' Macau then help to put the fried rice on the plate and serve it on the table.. 'Porchay then open the fridge and see there's no more eggs.. Macau then ask..' What's wrong sweetheart? 'Porchay turn around and say..' Phi.. I need to go to the supermarket.. I have to buy some eggs..I will return as soon as possible.. Wait for me.. 'Porchay kiss Macau's lips and leave the house.. Macau sigh slowly and wait for Porchay to return..

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