This is the story of 4 brothers who are everything to each other, but what happens when their life takes certain turns and which leads them to different positions in life.
Will they be able to be together till the end and face challenges thrown to...
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Trisha came back home and went straight towards her room, she locked the room, sat on the bed tucking her head between her knees and the tears started rolling down her eyes as she remembered her past,
'Tanisha Chopra, once was her bestfriend, since childhood they were together, they completed their highschool and graduation together,
There was one thing Trisha disliked about her was that she always hopped from one guy to another without having one as a constant,
Whenever she used to like a person, as a bestfriend she used to share it with Tanisha but then it ended being her dating that guy or being head over heals for the person that she never shut her mouth from praising them and claiming those guys she told her about being her crushes,
Stalking them through various social media platforms, sending texts messages to them,
She was a bold and beautiful girl with all perfect curves in the respective parts of her body and never hesitated to make a move on a guy, she had tried on all the guys she was interested and eventually the respective guys would fall for her and her beauty and they would date for a particular period and then break up sometimes mutually and sometimes not,
Then she would suggest Trisha if she wanted to date those guys, like passing a second hand person or a used one, claiming she wants to play cupid,
And sometimes she would declare that she has a crush on that person indirectly so that Trisha shouldn't try on that person,
This happened in the entire period of their highschool and also till the first half year of their college, and suddenly one day a guy directly approached Trisha,
A guy named Tanay came into her life, she was not interested at first but after seeing his efforts she gave in and also started liking him, this couldn't go unnoticed by Tanisha, she felt jealous of her,
She always third wheeled them but Trisha brushed it off thinking that she and Tanay were official and she won't try on him,
They were serious or maybe it was only from her side she guessed, they were together for almost two years,
She maybe being immature or due to excitement on the day of their final year thought of giving Tanay a surprise,
It was his birthday, so she wanted to surprise him and as also it was the end of their final semester, initially she said him she was busy with the exam and stuff so they couldn't spend his birthday together,
He sulked in the beginning but in the end agreed as he too had some college stuff to complete,
As planned she came to his apartment at night to surprise him, and as he earlier informed her that his parents were out of town when she decided to surprise him, but instead she was left surprised,