🔞cheez its🔞

404 2 14

this can't be good


copia x reader (m)

forgive me please holy shit


as you diddled copia from the back just like he liked it you felt something sharp hit your wiener and you screamed.


you pulled out and stuck a few fingers into his bunghole and opened it up, only to see a whole bags worth of cheez its shoved up there.

"why are there cheez its up your ass?!?!?"

"i was saving them for later pookie" he said with the 🥺🥺 face.

"oh... well can i have some?"

"sure pookie" he said with the :3 face.

you reached on up there and grabbed a handful of cheez its, making sure to cut open his prostate with a cheez it as revenge.

you both munched but then you got up and got a razor and shaved off a dick shaped patch of his pubes and used them as seasoning. there was bunghole slime up to your elbow.


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