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Determination means the ability to continue trying to do something, although it is difficult (Cambridge Dictionary). It is easy for me to come up with ideas of things I'd like to do, but sometimes I have a hard time following through in making them happen.

It's easy to doubt my abilities and fear that it will be too difficult to reach my goals. It's easy to be distracted by other things I need to do and to feel too busy to work on my goals. It's also easy to become discouraged when things don't progress as quickly or as easily as I think they should when I do work on my goals.

The reality is that all successful people have to overcome failures and obstacles along the way. Some challenges are to be expected.

Doubts, distractions, and discouragement can also be used as tools by our enemy, the devil. When faced with spiritual warfare, our faith must be stronger than our fears.

Our first weapon is prayer, for God is our power source. We can overcome doubts by focusing on our passions and sense of purpose. We are given dreams for a reason. We can overcome distractions by setting priorities and taking one step at a time. We can overcome discouragement by having patience and perseverance. Hard goals require hard work, but if you "Commit your actions to the Lord, your plans will succeed." (Proverbs 16:3). They may not always be achieved according to our timetable or expectations, but they will be successful in the end.

*What is one of your dreams that has not been reached yet?

*What is the biggest obstacle keeping you from reaching this dream?

*What can you do to overcome this obstacle?

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