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Yoga means to unite the body, mind, and spirit. Yoga inspires me because it focuses on whole body wellness.

In terms of physical wellness, it improves flexibility, balance, and strength. There are poses that emphasize each of these skills. Yoga also improves posture and reduces stress and tension. When I began doing yoga, I had a lot of neck and shoulder issues. Yoga helped me realize how tightly I was holding these parts of my body and how to relax and practice better posture. With consistent yoga practice and chiropractic care, I rarely have any neck pain now. I also feel younger physically as my body is used to moving.

But the benefits aren't only physical. I have a hyperactive brain that jumps from one thought to another. Yoga helps to quiet my mind and focus on one thing at a time. It helps me be more aware of my body and my feelings. Meditation gives me an opportunity to focus on my values and grow as a person.

*How has yoga benefited you? Or how do you think yoga could benefit you?

*How does stress affect you physically? What parts of your body are most vulnerable to stress?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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