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Meditation means focusing your attention on specific thoughts or sensations. It involves being quiet, relaxed, and mindful. Being mindful means focusing on the moment: being aware of the present rather than getting distracted by issues from the past or worries regarding the future. This used to be difficult for me as my mind usually moves quickly from one thought to another to another.  My husband calls this "Popcorn Brain". Yoga helps to quiet my mind and focus on one thing at a time.

Meditation can be done as a religious or spiritual practice. Or it can be setting an intention to focus on a value or virtue you would like to nurture in your life. Or it can be as simple as connecting with your breath, body, or your five senses.

Research shows that meditation has many benefits including reduced stress and anxiety, improved self-awareness, lengthened attention span, improved sleep, decreased pain, and decreased blood pressure (

*When and how do you practice meditation?

*What has been the most important benefit of meditation for you?

*How could you improve your practice of meditation?

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