15 | Engagement

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Samaira's POV

The door receives a sharp knock, likely my brother's impatient inquiry from the other side.

"Give me 10 more minutes!" Nithya responds, her voice slightly muffled as she arranges my hair into an elegant updo while I scroll through my phone, entertaining myself.

"You've been saying that for the past half-hour," Adithya's annoyed voice filters through the door.

"Just 10 more minutes, I promise," Nithya reassures him, her eyes steady on my hair. 

Adithya mimics her sentence before we hear his footsteps retreat down the hallway, leaving us in peace for the moment.

"So, spill it. What made you say 'yes' to the first guy you met?" Nithya probes, attempting to coax an explanation out of me.

"Not a chance," I reply firmly, shifting my attention to the news feed on my phone. But my scrolling halts abruptly when I come across a photo of Rhea and her husband on an gossip article. I click on it immediately.

These intrusive paparazzi never give anyone a break. I click my tongue in frustration as I read through it.

"What's got you worked up?" Nithya inquires, plucking a strand of hair and securing it within the updo as she leans to look at my phone.

"These reporters are relentless. Look at this," I show her the picture of Rhea and her husband embracing, clearly enjoying themselves in a school reunion as mentioned in the article. "They're just at a school reunion, and yet these reporters had to invade their privacy and post these pictures online," I grumble, and Nithya studies the photo closely.

"Isn't that your cousin?" she asks, surprising me with her observation as she continues her work on my hair.

"How did you know?" I inquired, turning to face her, but she gently pushed me back towards the mirror so we could meet each other's eyes in the reflection.

"Your brother showed me articles about your family when Rhea got married. He explained your relationship," Nithya explains casually, and I nod in understanding.

Continuing through the article, my eyes catch something peculiar. There's Rhea, seated between two men in the photo – her husband and another individual I recognize all too well.

What on earth is Jay doing with Rhea?

It's been over 10 days since I returned from Mumbai. Vivek is recovering well from his injury, according to Karthik. Aryan is fine too, I guess, although he hasn't reached out to me yet. As for Karthik, things appear normal since I see him and Zia daily at college. Unfortunately, our mission failed, and we're back to square one in our pursuit of Abhishek. He's vanished into thin air since that day, and for now, we're simply trying to locate him. And as my sister, Amaira, and Rhea are concerned, Rhea is going to file a lawsuit against Abhishek, which will get him in a lot of trouble than he already is (Because Abhishek had killed her best friend for money) and Amaira has fled away from Abhishek's men when she got the news of him being released from the prison.

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