The Park - NR & WM

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Summary: Nat took y/n to see peter at the park, it rained and Wanda was worried.

Warnings - none, just a lot of fluff :)
Request - nope
Word count - 898


"Y/n! Get back here!"

You're running around the kitchen island in the compound as quickly as your little legs could carry you. Being 3 years old and living with the Avengers was "very tiring."

Nat gave up trying to run after you, she knew you would give up eventually.

"Y/n, if you don't eat your breakfast, you can't go to the park with Peter."

This immediately stopped you in your tracks, "but I wanna see Peter!" You cross your arms and pout.

Nat walks over to you, picks you up, and carries you in her arms, "I know you do, but we have to eat breakfast before we leave."

She sits down on the chair and sits you on her lap. She rips up the pancakes for you and you start eating.

"Is mommy coming with us?"

"No sweetie, I'm sorry. She has a lot of paperwork to catch up on. She wanted me to take you to see Peter because she knows you haven't seen him in a while."

"But I want mommy too." You got extremely sad and Nat could see it on your face.

"I know baby, I'll take you to see her before we leave, okay?"

You nod, continuing to eat your breakfast. As you're eating, Wanda walks in.


She walks over and gives you a kiss on your forehead, "hi sweetheart, good morning."

She makes herself some tea, then she sits with you and Nat.

"Is mama taking you to the Park?"

You nod, "Ya! I gonna see Peter!"

She smiles, "have fun, you'll cuddle with me when you come back right?"


When you're done, Nat gets your coat, snacks, and a few other things she will need. Then she takes you to outside and you walk to the park.

It was only like 2 ish miles away so Nat decided to walk. She would've carried you because she had a backpack with everything in it, but you insisted on walking yourself.

Once you arrived, Nat found where Peter's aunt was, and she took you over. When you finally saw Peter, you ran over to him, leaving Nat with Aunt May.

"Be careful Y/n!"

You heard her, but you continued to run over to your friend. He's playing in the mulch by the swings.

Nat and Aunt May are watching you both the whole time. You're going down the slides, swinging on the swings, and playing tag together.

You are there for a little over an hour so far, it's gotten cloudy and it looks like it will rain. But Nat and May wanted you guys to spend more time together because you don't see each other a lot.

After 10 minutes, it starts raining.

"Kids, we need to leave!" Nat yelled over to you guys, and you both ran over to them.

You said goodbye to Peter, then Nat started walking you home.

On your walk, it started pouring, and Nat didn't want you to get sick. So she stopped you and took her jacket off. She picked you up in her arms and wrapped her jacket around you so you wouldn't get wet. Then she walked you home in the pouring rain.

She called Wanda to have a towel ready when you got back.

When you are in the building lobby, Nat puts you down and takes the jacket off of you. You're a little wet, but Nat was completely soaked from head to toe.

Wanda ran over to you guys with a few towels. She wrapped a towel around you, and Nat wrapped one around herself.

"You're both going to get sick. Did you check the weather before you left?"

Nat shakes her head, "No, it was sunny so I assumed it would've stayed like that." She starts coughing.

"You two need a warm shower."

Wanda picks you up in your towel then they take you back to their room.

Wanda still holds you so she can help you warm up while Nat takes a shower.

"Do you want a bath sweetheart?"

You nod, snuggling close to her as she holds you.


After your bath, Wanda put you in pjamas. Then she put you on the bed with Nat, and she gets on with you two.

You got comfortable between them, and they pulled a blanket over you all. You started coughing as you faced Wanda.

"Did you have fun with Peter?" She brushes her fingers through her hair, looking down at you.

You nod, grabbing her shirt so you could feel closer to her as you close your eyes. Nat aww's when she sees you.

"Yeah? I bet you and mama had a lot of fun."

You mumble as a response, too sleepy to answer.

Nat sneezes, startling you a little and you opened your eyes again.

"I'm so sorry honey, go back to sleep." Nat rubs your back to reassure you.

Wanda is smiling, watching you both. "You're both going to be sick by tonight."

Nat looks at her confused, "why are you smiling then?"

"All you'll want to do is cuddle, I live taking care of you two."

Nat rolls her eyes, giggling. "I bet you would love that."

"I would, now go to sleep. Rest will help you."

Nat puts her head on the pillow and gets comfortable. Wanda would look at both of you, making sure you were both okay.


I hope you enjoyed :) it's not very long but it was nice to write!

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