
249 3 1

Summary - Y/n is 3 y/o and has a nightmare :(

Warnings - no
Request - i dont think so
Word count - 902


The house is completely quiet, only the creaking of the floors and the nocturnal animals outside could be heard.

You were put to sleep at 8 pm, and it is currently 2 am. Nat and Wanda went to bed not long after because when you sleep, they sleep.

They both woke up when they heard you crying on the baby monitor. Wanda is quick to get out of bed as she runs down the hall to your room, Nat not far behind.

When Wanda reaches you, she picks you up and immediately holds you against her so you can feel her. You grab her shirt and bury your face in her neck, she puts her hand on the back of your head.

When Nat walks in, she wraps one arm around Wanda and puts her other hand on your back.

Wanda is currently whispering to you, "you're okay baby, your mamas are here."

Nat gives you a kiss on your head, "and we're not leaving you."

They hopped talking to you would calm you down a little, and it did, your cries are quiet but there are still tears rolling down your face.

Wanda moved you a little and you whined, you didn't want her to let you go.

"Don't worry honey, I'm not letting you go. I'm going to give you to mama so i can go get your cup, okay?"

You nod and wipe your eyes. She gives you to Nat and you immediately cling to her. She takes you to her room as Wanda goes downstairs.

After a bit, when Nat sat with you on her bed, Wanda walks back in with a cup.

She sits next to Nat on the bed, "y/n, honey, I got some water for you."

You look up at her, showing both of them your tear stained face. You drank the water as Nat rubbed your back.

When you are done, they decide to let you stay with them. So they lay down with you between them, making sure you're comfortable.

Nat had to change her shirt from how wet it became with your tears, So you're cuddled up with Wanda. She's rubbing your back and talking to you softly.

When Nat laid down with you again, she wraps her arm over Wanda and they both look down at you.

Wanda waits for you to fall asleep before she talks to Nat, "what do you think it could be?"

She shrugs, "I have no idea Wands, I wish we knew"

Wanda hesitates for a moment, "she's just a baby."

Nat gives her a gentle smile, "I know honey, and the nightmares will go away with time."

Wanda nods, "yeah you're right," she takes in a deep breath and looks down at you as she holds you close, "the nightmares have been happening a lot lately, and it's hard on her."

Nat gives her a kiss, "she's a Maximoff, she's tough."

Wanda gives her smile, thanking her for easing her mind a little.

"How about we get some sleep? I'll call Fury in the morning and tell him we can't make it in."

Wanda nods, both of them falling asleep after a little.


You woke up the next morning in someone's arms as she's carrying you down the steps. You're half asleep as you rub your eyes, "mama?"

She gives you a kiss on your cheek and you hear Wanda's soft voice in your ear, "good morning baby, mama is making you pancakes, is that okay?"

You nod, then you bury your face in her neck.

When you enter the kitchen, Nat walks over to see you, "hello sweetheart, how'd you sleep in your mommy's bed?"

You mumble into Wanda's neck, "good."

Nat gives you a kiss on your head, "that's good. How about you go find your show on tv so me and mommy can talk?"

You bite your finger and look at her with sad eyes, the sympathy she felt for you is high and she felt really bad.

"We will not be long, I promise."

You look at her for a second, then you nod your head. Wanda puts you down and they watch you go over to the couch.

As they talk and get your breakfast ready, you get the tv remote and look for your favorite show.

When they're done, they walk over and sit with you. They give you the pancakes and you start eating as you watch tv.

They give you a minute to finish eating, then Wanda picks you up and puts you on her lap. You cuddle into her as Nat gets closer to you.

"Look at me honey."

You look up at Wanda, you grab her shirt and rub your eyes with your other hand. In your head you're thinking they have to leave for work again, making you sad.

"Why are you sad sweetie?" Wanda lightly rubs your back.

You sniffle, "do you have to leave me again?"

She looks at Nat, "we are spending all day with you. We go off work and we promise we will do this more often."

"We hate leaving you kiddo, we're sorry."

You nod and rub your eyes, still sleepy from last night.

"Take a nap Y/n, we won't leave."

You give her shirt a tug as you place your head against her.

Nat comforts her as she holds you, both of them watching tv.


I wanted something cute so this is what I came up with 😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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