Separate Ways - NR

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Summary: Y/n, Nat, Bucky, and Steve are on a mission together. It doesn't go as planned and someone ends up in the hospital.

Warnings - blood, being impaled, shooting, mention of explosives

Request - bestie summer

Word count - 1594


The sound of gun shots and metal clashing was the only thing you could hear.

You ran across the corridor, avoiding the gun fire to join your teammates. Natasha, Steve, and Bucky are sat on the other side, Bucky firing back at the team of agents that seem to have an unlimited amount of ammunition.

"Y/n and Nat, you guys go through the vent to get to the other side of the building. Me and Bucky will hold them off."

"But the other side of the building is falling apart? There's metal sticking out of the concrete and there's glass all over the floors, we'll never make it out." Natasha is getting aggravated with Steve's plan, understandably why.

"That's what Fury told me to do, I'm just giving orders."

"Well, if someone gets hurt, Fury won't hear the end of it." She stands up, and you follow her.

She's crawling quickly through the vents, you're trying to keep up, "Nat! Wait."

"I'm sorry Y/n, I just want to get in and out as quickly as possible."

At the end of the vent, she helps you out. The floors really were falling apart. The metal polls holding the concrete together are snapped apart and poking out of the floor.

"I'd love to see Fury try to do a mission in these conditions, this is insane Nat!"

You're against the wall, moving sideways to avoid falling through the floor. "I know, especially boxes of explosives and bullets. This is so stupid and reckless."

Upon getting to a more stable location on the floor, you both stood together. You're trying to figure out where you are in the building, but every sign is destroyed and there's dust everywhere.

"Okay, I'm calling this off. It's way-"

Without warning, the floor between you two started crumbling below your feet. You reach out for each other's hands, but you slip away too quickly, your finger tips just brushing.

You land on the next floor, you think you blacked out for a moment because you were where Nat was, then suddenly you were laying on the floor.

You try getting up, but the second you do, you get the worst feeling ever in your thigh. It feels like someone shot you 17 times and shoved a sword through your leg.

But when you look down, you see a metal poll impaled in your leg. It snapped from a concrete slab, making it point out of the floor.

You quickly get your ear piece out to get on comms with Nat.

"Nat! Shit-" You're breathing is quickening due to the amount of dust in the air, and the fact there is a poll in your leg. "Nat- can you hear me?... Fuck."

You sit up, but the floor keeps shifting, making you stay laying down. It's taking everything in you to not scream out for Nat, you could lure the enemy to you.


The last thing I remember is reaching out for
Y/n. If I could've just grabbed her hand then I wouldn't have to go search for her.


I lost communication with her and I can barely stand up straight. I'm circling back to find Steve and Bucky, hoping they have seen her or found her.

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