Chapter 9: A Small Break

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(Y/N and Peter are seen going to a ramen restaurant as Pepper transferred an amount of money for Peter as an apology for her ex-husband's behavior towards him. Y/N is wearing a green dress while Peter is wearing some blue jeans, red t-shirt and a black jacket.)

(As they get inside the restaurant, the waiter approaches them

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(As they get inside the restaurant, the waiter approaches them.)

Waiter: Good afternoon, welcome to our Restaurant. What's your order?

Y/N: (smiles) I want some ramen with boiled eggs and four pieces of pork.

Peter: I want some ramen with ham and mushroom, please. Oh, and two cold teas to drink.

Waiter: (bows) Right away.

(They couple wait for their food as Y/N takes the opportunity and kisses Peter passionately. Unbeknownst to them, a certain four is seen watching them as they are disguised.)

Johnny: Who is that girl?

Ben: I don't know, but I'm totally sure she's with Peter.

Susan: And you both took this long to find out?

Reed: Quiet, everyone is listening!

(Everyone turns to see them as they lower their heads, and they mind their business again. The waiter then approaches the couple with two ramens and two cold teas.)

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(They drink their teas and then prepare to eat

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(They drink their teas and then prepare to eat.)

Y/N: Itadakimasu.

(They began to eat their ramen as everyone else is minding their business, except for the Fantastic Four. Four hours later, they pay the bill and prepare to leave, but they hear a familiar voice.)

????: Hold it right there!

(They turn to see the Fantastic Four.)

Y/N: (monotone) Why are you here? What do you want?

Y/N: (monotone) Why are you here? What do you want?

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Mr. Fantastic: Our business is with web-head, not you!

Y/N: Your business became with me at the moment you interrupted us.

Thing: I'm so sorry... (glares) not!

(Then the four feel a powerful aura as Y/N is a little ticked off.)

Y/N: You should have known better... than messing with anyone... whose blood boils!

(She then transforms into a Super Saiyan as the Fantastic Four's eyes widen.)

I. Woman: (eyes widen) What are you?

Y/N: I am your doom, Pathetic Four!

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Y/N: I am your doom, Pathetic Four!

H. Torch: (stern) It's FANTASTIC! FANTASTIC Four!

Y/N: Silence, insect!

(Human Torch's left eye twitches.)

H. Torch: What did you just call me? 

Y/N: Sorry... did I stutter?

H. Torch: Do you know who I am?

Y/N: Speak to me like that again, and I'll show you who I am!

H. Torch: (angry) You asked for it! FLAMES ON!

(Human Torch is covered in flames as Y/N gets in her fighting stance.)

(To be continued)

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