Chapter 10

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Willow's point of view:

The moment i step out of the hospital it's like a huge weight is being lifted of my shoulders. Sure my whole body still hurts, and i know for sure that the skin on my back has seen its better days, but once I step out of the door, out in the fresh air I feel free. I had to stay in the hospital for a few days, and the whole environment there made me anxious. I don't understand how all the doctors, nurses and other people who works at hospitals can endure it. But although i hate being in a hospital, this time was far better than before. Taylor was there right by my side the whole time except for the nights when she was preforming. On those nights Andrea was there to keep me company. I got to know them both pretty well, and I even got to see pictures of Taylor when she was young. Andrea had hundreds, and she happily shared them. 

But even better was talking to Taylor. There was moments in our conversation when i just went quiet, realizing that i was actually sitting and talking to the one and only Taylor Swift, I mean it was truly unbelievable. And now the moment had come, me and Taylor were traveling to New York. Andrea was going to Nashville, but she told me she'd come to visit us soon, which I see as a fantastic idea. 

We step into the car that is about to take us to the airport, and all of the nervousness disappears as i hear a little sound. It is the sound of a cat, and my eyes move towards the direction of the sound. There I see not one, not two, but three cats curled up against each other and I let out a happy little squeak, leading to a soft chuckle by Taylor. 

"Do you wanna pet them?" she asks and I instantly nod.

I I gently move my hand towards them and stroke their soft fur. Meredith and Olivia seem a little suspicious of me at first, while Benji mostly seems to enjoy the attention. After a while, however, the other two also give in and decide to let themselves be petted.

"You're a real cat charmer, I see" Taylor says and I smile. 

Taylor's point of view:

As we arrive at the airport security informs me that there is no paparazzi and I relax and let out a small sight of relief. Even though I'm fully aware that I won't be able to keep Willow from the public view forever, she has been through so much stress that she deserves a chance to rest up without millions of people being able to watch her. I will do everything I can to prevent that from happening to soon. 

We border the plane and I can feel Willow start to tense up a bit again. "Have you ever flown before?" I ask her, and she just shakes her head. I gently squeeze her hand and tells her not to worry. "I promise you it'll be fine, plus I'll be here the whole time, so you don't have to worry," I say in an attempt to calm her down. Surprisingly, my words seem to work wonders, and she gently sinks down in one of the big leather seats, cautiously looking around. 

''Do you want anything to eat or drink? Maybe some coke?" I ask Willow, who surprisingly nods her head in response. She hasn't really asked for anything or said yes to anything before, and it's kinda like she doesn't want to be in the way. She obviously isn't, so I see this as a step forward. "Do you wanna watch a movie or something? You can pick anything you want," I  add. "Oh, it's fine you can pick," she responds.

"Alright, have you ever watched friends?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Well it's my favorite series, do you wanna watch it?" She nods her head and I turn on episode 1 for her. I then go and grab two cokes and hand one to Willow. She quietly sips on it while watching the episode, but suddenly stops as the plane starts moving. I can se how she stiffens and how her breaths gets quicker as the plane takes off from the ground. I take her hand and just hold it gently until the plane flies steadily in the air. She turns around and look at me with a look of relief and I give her a small smile. 

The whole plane ride then goes by pretty fast and 6 hours later we arrive in New York. I gently wake up Willow who has been sleeping peacefully the last two hours. "Hey, we have arrived now,"I tell her. "Oh, I'm so sorry I fell asleep," she says quietly. "Oh no sweetie it's fine, did you sleep well?" I ask with a little smile and she nods, still a bit groggy from her nap. 

Willow's point of view:

As the car rolls down the streets of New York I can't help but gasp at the environment right around me. Even though I've lived in several cities I've never been too New York, however I've always wanted to.

Taylor has arranged everything and done all most all the paperwork needed for me to be able to live with her except for a checkup of her apartment and when we arrive at Taylor's apartment a social worker meets up with us to do a control and make sure the home is safe enough, has enough space and so on.

As we enter the apartment along with the social worker I can't help but gasp. It's the biggest apartment I've ever seen. It is so big and spacious I think I could get lost just trying to find the bathroom. Taylor chuckles softly when she sees me just standing there and staring. She leads us into the living room where I get to sit down on the couch as the apartment gets checked. She disappears out the door with the social worker and then it's just me and the cats. I carefully pets Benji who lies down on my lap and starts purring. 

It don't really now how long time it takes for Taylor and the social worker to finish up, but they appear in the doorway after what feels like an hour. The apartment is safe enough and so Taylor signs the last few papers and everything is settled. Taylor follows the social worker to the door and then comes to sit down with me on the couch. 

"Are you tired?" She asks and I just nod. "It's pretty late, so if you want to I could show you your room and you could take a shower and go to bed, or if you are hungry I could cook something," she adds. "I'm fine thank you, I would just like to go to bed," I answer and she leads me through the apartment to one of the bedrooms that now are considered as mine. It's bigger and more spacious than any other bedroom I've seen before and even has its own bathroom with a huge shower. 

"So I'll let you take a shower and get ready for bed, and I can also get you something from my closet for you too sleep in, if that sounds good," she says. "Thank you," I say. " Thank you so much". She gives me a small hug and smiles at me. "You're welcome sweetie".

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