Chapter 6

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I hear a voice on the other line.

"Hi! It's Taylor, Taylor Swift"

God this can't be true. I try to keep my breath steady but I don't succeed at all.

"When I took a closer look at the bracelet you gave me, I noticed it had a phone number on it, and I figured I might as well call you." I hear her say.

But it's like I'm not physically there, I'm some where else, cause I'm pretty damn sure that this cannot be real. There's no chance I'm talking on the phone with Taylor Swift.
No, I must be dreaming. This is only something that happens in dreams, or for people who are extremely lucky. And you only have to take a look at the place where I'm living to figure out that I'm not fucking lucky. I was one of the many losers in the lottery of life.
But at the same time I was at the eras tour, and you need to be pretty damn lucky to get there. So maybe this is real, maybe I'm just lucky.
I open my mouth to answer, but I only manage to say one thing before my voice cracks and I start sobbing like crazy.
"Hi Taylor"
She answers quickly,
"No, it's okay you don't have to cry!"
"I'm just so happy! You and your music means a lot to me and I'm so, so happy that I get to talk to you! I'm still not sure if this is reality or if I'm dreaming." My voice finally start working.
"That's so, so sweet of you! I'm very happy that I get to talk to you too." It's like I can hear her smiling through the phone , and I understand how much she actually care for her fans.
But I don't get a chance to answer her before I her a shuddering voice screaming at me.
"Who the fuck are you talking to?"
I look up and he's standing there right in front of me, just staring.
"And what is all this shit?"
He picks up the 22-hat and all the friendship bracelets.
"No please, please don't take them" I beg, but he doesn't care. he walks over to the window and throws them out.
He then takes the phone out of my hands and throw it to the other side of the room.
"Have you been outside without my permission?" He screams right at my face.
All I manage to do is shake my head, but he ignores it.
"You're gonna regret this. I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

Taylor's point of view
I hear a heartbreaking scream through the phone and my brain immediately turns on. I need to do something . That poor girl is in danger, and I have to help her.
I hang up just as I hear another scream. Is he really going to kill her? My heart starts beating faster and faster, and I start to act and call 911.
"Hello, how can I help you " the voice on the other line sounds calm and professional. The complete difference from how I'm feeling at the moment.
"Hi, there's a girl and she's in danger " I say stressed
"Ok mam I need you to be a little more exact, what happened?"
"I was talking to her on the phone and I could hear how a man was hitting her. I've met this girl before and I noticed from the beginning she has been treated badly before. She had scars and bruises over her arms" I say with a shaky voice.
To be honest I didn't just call her up just because I wanted to say hi, I was concerned when I saw her. She looked like she was about ten years old, and first of all she was there alone. Alone at a frickin concert. And I could see how thin and bruised she was. I understood that something wasn't right and decided to call her up. Thank god I did.
"Okay mam, we'll send over the police and some paramedics. Do you now where she's located?"
"No, I don't fucking now, can't you just track our call or something?" I know it's not fair of me to yell at her like that, but I'm freaking out. However, after a few minutes they actually manage to track the call in some magic way and get the address.
"I'll be there in a few minutes too, thank you so much" I say
"Are you sure you really wanna go there, it can be dangerous " the woman on the other line asks in a very concerning tone.
But I'm sure about this, I don't care if I get hurt, as long as the girl survives.

Willows point of view:
The whole world is spinning, up and down, to the left and to the right . My head feels heavy and my eyelids too. Did he stop? Why? Am I even alive?
The ground starts shaking. Footsteps. Is someone coming? Is it him? Maybe this isn't over.
People are talking. Are there more than one? I try to understand the words but I don't get it. It's like they're speaking a completely different language. Are they talking to me? The ground starts shaking again. More people?
Suddenly I get lifted up from the ground. I want to fight back but I can't, my arms and legs are so tired. I get placed down again but not on the floor, somewhere else. I don't know what it is but I just lay there. I can hear voices around me, people talking, someone is sounding scared and worried.
Where am I, what are these people here for?
I try to open my eyes, but it's like they're stuck together. But I fight against it and manage to open them a little, little bit. Everything is spinning, but i can se people looking down at me.
The last thing I see is a girl with long blonde hair. Is she crying? Then everything gets black.

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