Authors Note

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Hi guys, this is not another chapter, just a little question.

I got a story idea this morning and so I was wondering if you would like me to make another book or one shoots series with this idea when I'm done with this book, or maybe write two at the same time.

So the idea is basically a family with eleven sisters:

Mary- 6 years old

Juliet- 8 years old

Emma- 10 years old

Autumn- 12 years old

Alice- 14 years old

Bonnie- 16 years old

Cornelia- 17 years old

Betty- 18 years old

Dorothea- 18 years old

Lavender- 20 years old

Clara- 21 years old

And for the ones that don't understand every sister represents one of Taylor's albums, including TTPD.

That's basically everything so please comment your thoughts about this


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