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"Look alive. There's a fork ahead." Kelsey says as she stops the raft as the group comes to a fork in the creek.

"Hm. It looks like the Creek bends around this way but I'm missing the other half of the map. Not sure which way to go." Craig says.

"Should we flip a coin or something?" Alexis asks.

"Not necessary. Mortimor scout up ahead. One chirp for piranhas. Two chirps for pirates. And if you see piranha pirates then safe yourself." Kelsey says as Mortimor flies on.

"How did you train him to do that?" Craig asks curiously.

"Mortimor, my sister and I spend a lot of time together at the Creek honing our fighting skills. I may look like a regular second grader but I have more battle scabs than most kids will pick in a lifetime." Kelsey says.

"My parents never let me have a pet. They just told me to play with my brother and sister." Craig says.

"I have no brethren nor sistren of real blood. I'm the only child of my bloodline. And my dad the only parent. But like Alexis is my adopted sister Mortimor is like a brother to me. My dad got him for menwhen I was five. I read this book about a prince with a falcon that could peck out the eyes of his enemies. So I asked for a falcon for Hanukkah but my dad said no because it was too dangerous and that we had enough medical bills as is. But parakeets are tough. Don't underestimate them. We both may look small but we fight at a 12th grade level. And I can read at a nineth grade level." Kelsey says.

"So what about you Alexis?" Craig asks.

"Well my parents died when I was really little. I was found by Kelsey's dad when I was four and they've taken care of me ever since. I really miss my pack sometimes but I'm grateful to have Kelsey. As a result I protect her with my life." Alexis says as Mortimor comes flying over chirping.

"What is it Mortimor? Wait. What was six chirps for? Giant squid? Hydra? Parents? Whoa!" Kelsey asks as the group sees a giant shadow and sees the pirates giant boat.

"Pirates!" Alexis says in alarm as the group tries to paddle away with no luck as two pirates jump down onto the raft.

"This is gonna cost you extra." Kelsey says.

"Okay I'll pay whatever you want." Craig says as Alexis and Kelsey begin trying to fight only to get pinned down.

"Get off us!" Alexis says angrily.

"I thought you guys were warriors?" Craig asks.

"Never turn your back on a pirate." A pirate says before Craig with the help of Mortimor knocks him into the water before Alexis and Kelsey deal with the other pirate.

"That was close." Alexis says.

"You alright?" Craig asks before the group sees a face coming out of the bottom of the raft causing them to scream as they get knocked into the water.

"Gotcha!" The kid under the raft says as the pirates grab the group.


"We got some booty." A girl shouts as she holds up Craig's bag as the pirate kids laugh.

"You've got booties all right. Some booties that I'm gonna kick!" Kelsey shouts as she raises her sword only to have it taken from her by a pirate as Alexis grabs her and holds her back.

When You're By My Side Craig Before The Creek Movie JP X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now