My Immortal...?

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Ren, my name is Ren or Raven, but I prefer Ren, and I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE THE FUCK I AM! Ren shoots up into a sitting position, his curly dark brown hair being an absolute fucking mess literally standing up. Ren looked around the room in a panic, it looked kinda like a mini version of his room from the Operetta. It was styled like an old VIP box in an Opera house that was quadrupled in size, and instead of him laying in a twin-sized bed he put together haphazardly, he's laying in a 8 by 6-foot bed that looks like it was made for a rich as hell sickly Victorian child. In the far right corner of the room was a large mirror that covered a third of the wall. Ren looked into the mirror and a wave of shock washed over him. His normally warm brown skin had paled a shade, almost as if he hadn't been outside in years, and his caramel-colored eyes had turned a strange shade of gold.

"Where the fuck am I," Ren questioned out loud anxiously as he rubbed his temples, "The last thing I remember is... Snotlout, that fucking bastard pushed me into the storyboard! What am I supposed to do now?"

Ren jumped slightly as a young woman barged in the door. She was tall with long black frilled hair that was pulled into a poorly put-together bun, her skin was dark with patches of white, and she was wearing a long-skirted maid dress. The lady yells something down the hall before walking in, and over to Ren's bedside only for Ren to scoot away from her, "Young Master Raven, it's good to see you awake. It's been so long since...," Her voice sounded tired and slightly defeated.
"Ummm, hi? Are-... are you okay Miss? You look like you haven't slept." Ren says, still trying to figure out what story he was thrown into.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine. The real question is are you okay, Young Master?"

"Please stop calling me Young Master, it's creepy, and what is going on?"

"Don't you remember, Young Master," The lady waited for Ren to respond, but when he didn't she just sighed and changed the subject, "You're going to be going to Hogwarts School of Magic. We thought we might have to postpone you going for another year because of your injury, but we're glad you're awake now so you can start your 7th year,"

Ren stares at the woman like a deer in headlights. Did I get fucking Isekaied?! I swear when I get my hands on you Snotlout, "O-oh, yeah I remember that! Haha, how could I possibly forget that? Hahahah...."


And that's how I ended up here at Hogwarts, in the great hall, taking a house sorting test with a bunch of fucking children. Hahaha, Snotlout is so dead when I see him again.
"Raven Moonstone!" Call out the old lady with the sorting hat.

'Moonstone? Seriously?' Ren sighs as he begins to walk to the front of the room and onto a stage-like platform. The old woman gestures for Ren to sit on a stool. Ren reluctantly sits on the stool, and the woman goes to place the hat on Ren's head only for it to start screaming, "OH FUCK NO! SLYTHERIN THAT'S A FUCKING SLYTHERIN! KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!"


Ren has to be literally dragged away from the hat, and forced to sit down by like three people. Stupid fucking hat. Ren thinks to himself as a girl with long ebony black hair with purple streaks and red tips that reach her mid-back, icy blue eyes like limpid tears, and pale white skin. Ren suddenly feels all eyes in the room look at him as this girl walks up to him. She looked like she knew Ren, but just REALLY hated him, "We meet again, pest." The girl says as she folds her arms.

"I'm sorry? What happened to Hello? How are you?" Ren replies with confusion.

"Ugh, I don't care, pest, I just walked over here to tell you to change your name."

"I'm not changing my name because you tell me to, lady. Why do you want me to change my name anyway? Like who even are you?"

The girl growls as the other people in the room start to gasp or whisper, specifically the Slytherins, whom they are sitting with, "I am Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way, you should already know that pest!"

"Please tell me that's not really your name. It's absolutely ridiculous."

"It is my real name, and how dare you insult me and act as if you don't know me!"

"Well, your parents clearly don't love you... Anyway, I'm not changing my name."

"Why not, you insolent little-"

"Because, everyone just calls me Ren, also why do you care so much? Doesn't everyone just call Ebony? Fucking emo."


Snotlout jumped slightly, turning slowly to look at the very pissed-off Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, "Heyyyyy Hiccup... How are you?" Snotlout said nervously as looks up at Hiccup with pure fear.

"Gosh, I don't know? Maybe telling me the whereabouts of my FUCKING BESTIE!?"

"Bestie ? You and Ren aren't dating?"

"Wha- well- uh- No."

"Then why do you-"

"Shut up and just tell me where he is!"

"I kinda, accidentally, pushedhimintothestoryboard...?"



"I'm gonna kill you, for real this time."


Back to your regularly scheduled story!- Wait, did I forget to pause the story? ........................ Shit. Oh Well.

It's been like, two weeks give or take, since Ren showed up at Hogwarts: My Immortal edition, and somehow every woman in the school is trying to get with him. Which isn't great because he's 1. A gay man, 2. Single, which is making things worse, 3. THAT FUCKING EBONY BITCH WON'T LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE, 4. That Ebony bitch's boyfriend, Draco, stole all his normal clothes and exchanged them for the inside of a Hot Topic store in 2006. This isn't terrible because that style is cool as hell, but it made Ren insecure because he's never dressed like that before and Ren knows Draco didn't do it maliciously. So now, Ren's dumbass is walking around like a gay guy who clearly doesn't know how to wear emo clothes, but still somehow manages to pull it off.
"Hello pest," called out an all too familiar voice.

"Hi Emo- I mean Ebony, what do you want," Ren says through gritted teeth as he turns to the black-haired girl. When he turns Ren notices that Ebony, for once, wasn't alone. She brought her boy toy, Draco Malfoy, with her this time which was surprising because she usually bothered Ren alone. Draco was actually a pretty decent person for some reason, like, you'd expect him to be kinda of rude like Ebony, but he's actually really nice, "Oh, hi Draco, what's up?"

"Hi Ren," Draco waved with a small smile, "I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a concert with me and Ebony."

Ren stood there shocked for a moment, Draco wanted Ren to third wheel on their date? Why? Like he wasn't going to say no, but still, it's weird right, "Ummm, sure, why not?"

Draco smiles as a soft blush crosses his very very very pale cheeks and Ebony huffs, "Great, we'll see you soon!" And with that, the two left.

'Oh, this is definitely an Isekia. Hahahahaha, I hate this a little more every day. Moon, if you can hear me, please kill me now.' Ren thought as he started to walk away.

The sound of cracking a breaking stone surrounds Ren on all sides as the ground crumbles beneath his feet. The darkness of the constant void pulled him into its depths with its sharp painful claws. There was everything, then...

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