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Cassidy sat at the beach for awhile thinking holding the necklace she loved so dearly her comfort necklace that got her through the last two years she eventually went back to John B's she layed on the hammock and fell asleep thinking

Cassidy was a person who thought a lot she thought about a lot of things sometimes even when she was having an active conversation she would stop and think about if she said something wrong or if they actually want to talk to her

Cassidy grew up overthinking she also grew up with anxiety JJ knew he got it he was the only one who knew Cassidy didn't tell Rafe she was scared he would think if she was overthinking he would be worried she would have an anxiety attack and stay beside her all the time so she only told JJ she went to him when she had attacks not because she liked him but because he was just like a brother someone who wouldn't judge because they would do it took because they got it

The next morning Cassidy made breakfast she acted like everything was ok like she wasn't hurting or thinking about yesterday she needed to talk to J and the only way to wake him up was with food

After the three ate she pulled JJ aside making him follow her to the dock they sat with their feet in the water

"What's up Cassie" JJ says making her grab her necklace yet again "I seen Rafe he looked good but he has a new girlfriend" She says trying not to cry over the boy she hasn't spoken to in two years "Are you ok" He asks as he rubs Cassie's back

Something he would go when they were in middle school and she got bullied for wearing glasses and having braces and she sat there crying for hours in JJ's arms

"I don't know" she says as her voices breaks making the tears just start falling "I don't know why I'm acting like this it's been two years" She says in between sobs JJ sits there rubbing her back "You have the right to" JJ pauses trying to find the right words "He was your first boyfriend he was the love of your life" JJ says as Cassidy puts her head on his shoulder "I think I still love him..... I know I love him" Cassidy says feeling herself tense at the thought of loving Rafe and him not loving her "He loves someone else" Cassidy says as she wipes her tears and feels herself deflate "If it's meant to be he will find you again Cas" He says making her look at him "Ok I'm done I need to not be sad let's go save Pope from his dad" Cassidy says as she wipes her tears

JJ knows then to force her to keep expressing her feelings she won't stop till something changes to make her feel better so it's better to leave this conversation paused he loves her she is his sister maybe not by blood but she is and it's best for her right now she needs a distraction till something changes not to cry about it for days and not eat

Cassidy layed on the boat as the boys swam John B was with Sarah and Kie was with her parents it was just JJ Pope and Cassidy something that rarely happened John B was always with and Kie was always with Cassidy

"I missed this" Cassidy said not caring if the boys heard she just wanted to put that in the world "You know your the weirdest girl on earth" Pope says as he hangs on to the edge of the boat

Cassidy opens her eyes and looks at Pope as JJ gets on the boat again "Why is that Mr. Pope" She says as she sits up "You are a kook but yet you live with John B, you say things just for the world to hear, and you some how still hang out with us pouges" Pope says making JJ quickly look at Pope on the last part "Hey there buddy she is a pouge she is at heart" JJ says pulling Pope back in the boat so we can go back to JB's since it's getting dark "Yeah a pouge at heart" Cassidy whispers and lays back down

The next day Cassidy hung out with Pope as the couples went out together nothing really happened they played games watched tv went to the beach then Pope went home and Cassidy fell asleep

Cassidy spent the next day alone till JJ came back he looked upset

"You ok Jay" Cassidy asked as she sat down on the pulled out couch "Me and Kie got in a fight she thinks we aren't meant to be" JJ says as he runs his hands through his hair

Cassidy stopped for a second she thought about how she felt when she met Rafe that feeling that love feeling

"I remember when me and Rafe met it was so clear that he was the only one for me" Cassidy says as she plays with her necklace "Cas I need to tell you something" JJ blurts like he's been holding it in making Cassidy look at JJ "You know how when you and Rafe got together he was on drugs but stopped because of you" JJ says making Cassidy give him a look "When you left he started them again I seen him at Barry's I was picking up my dad and Rafe was there he looked high off his mind and for all I know he's still using" JJ says making Cassidy stand up "You and Kie will be fine I'll be back talk to Kie ok" Cassidy says as she walks out grabbing her keys on the way and jumping in her jeep

She might not be with Rafe anymore but she still cares and him doing drugs again isn't making her happy

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