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I could've won this fight easy. The person was smaller than me and I know how to use the smoke to my advantage. As we fight though, I realize my disadvantage. I only have my bow, and the smoke is heavy and thick, leaving it impossible to see farther than 10 feet away, much less aim. So I try to fed him off, wincing every time his sword hits the wood, and then I feel it starting to crack.
Slowly, I change my stance and trap the sword as it hits, twisting it until it's out of his grip and into mine. I discern a small squeaking noise as I pin the guy against the tree, keeping his throat level with my new iron sword. He makes another squeaking noise and I turn my head to see Jerome pinning down the other. Faded words reach my ears as I watch the two converse, then Jerome looks over to me and nods slightly, and I look at the guy pinned to the tree, then back at him where he nods again.

"Ok..." I mutter, as I release the guy from my hold, and he falls, more like slides, to the ground and curls into a ball. I watch him an notice the slight tremors shaking his body.
Something doesn't feel right here.
I look over to Jerome again and see him and the other getting up. They make their way over to me and the guy, and the other runs to him.

"Hey. Hey! Sky, it'll be ok. You did really good. You're safe now. He didn't mean it." The other - I see now he's a kid, and so is the shaking ball of person at the base of the tree - looks at me.

"Can you apologize?" I kneel down and look at the two, both stained and dirty and tired.

"Uh...hey. Sorry about that. Sky, right? Well, um, I'm not going to hurt you and...oh yea. I'm Mitch." I stand up and let out a breath as he looks up at me. Slowly, he stands.

"T-t-thanks." His eyes meet mine, and I give a weak smile.

This Is A Time For Running (TC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now