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Seto's first chapter! Hurray!
The streets weren't crowded, but people linger in them anyways. I suppose it is noon, not midnight. As we keep to the alleys and briskly walk towards the center of the city, the argument from earlier runs through my mind.


"I didn't-"

"SHUT UP!" The plate shatters against the wall and my brother cringes. I watch, anger rising beneath my skin.

"Dad..." Cooper mutters, his chocolate eyes brimming with tears. My despicable excuse for a father is red in the face, his eyes blurry with alcohol. My mother just stares at the table.

"Enough!" I can't believe my own voice. My dad turns his rage on me.

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY? SHUT UP, THE LOT OF YOU! YOURE ALL WORTHLESS, USELESS, EXCUSES FOR MY FAMILY!" I retaliate, my voice layering his own as he continues to shout insults.

"Family?!? We should be the ones ashamed of you and your drinking problem! I don't know why Mom didn't leave you a long time ago!" We both shut up and stare at the other, panting. He scrambles for something else to throw, looking towards Coop, who wasn't even late, as my father claimed him to be. I felt anger bubbling and ran, jumping in front of Cooper. The heavy goblet flew towards us and I raised my hands. Cooper screamed.

"SETO!" I could feel it. The tingling in my chest, arms, legs, all the way to my fingertips.

My magic?

I opened my eyes, unaware I had squeezed them shut and let down the force field I had called on. The goblet rolled on the floor.

My family stood in shock.


Now, as I navigate the streets for the  ragtag group I think I have just become friends with, I know He is out looking for me.
And I do not mean a god. He is the priest of the city. Basically, if you're a sorcerer who isn't in a position at the temples, you want to stay far, far away from this guy.
We continue to walk, in silence. No one talks at all. When I glance back, I see the weary eyes and tired slumps of travelers I see in the market.
The market. I can hear the bustle of voices and shouting of people, and the furry one of the group, Jerome, I think, perks up.

"I smell food!" He says and I smile.

"Yea. It's the main market of Honam. They sell literally everything there. We're going to pass through it, to get to the road." They all start smiling then, the prospect of food and soon we're all chatting a bit.
I talk to Ty, who seems to trust me the most. We talk about his past, and he explains why they're there.

"That's....intense." I say, for the lack of better wording to describe their situation. He nods.

"We'll get through it. I myself am hoping to settle down in....woah." Ty stops talking and looks around, wide eyes. We've entered the market square.
It's large and crowded. People move in waves and vendors shout their wares, pushing people to buy. Smells of different foods permeate the air. It takes up about three square blocks, and they sell everything here. Spices, vegetables, cloth, jewelry, you name it. Everyone looks around in awe, and they all gasp as their eyes land on the statue in the center.

"What is that?" Mitch asks (I think I'm getting their names down) and I smile. It's a woman, holding a few stalks of wheat in one hand, and cradling baby rabbits in the other. She is giant, but so well made it looks like she could start walking around any second. Even I am stunned by it, though I have seen her before.

"Terra, goddess of the earth. It's like, a shrine." I explain. We start walking towards her and they are all still staring in awe.

"She is also the starting point of the Seven Cites Road." I finish explains as we approach. She is even bigger up close and Sky runs a finger over one of her toes. Fruits, vegetables, candles, pictures, and other items lie in between her feet. Offerings. Then, Ty picks something up and creases his brow.

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