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Originally, I felt indifferent about the shortcut.
Then, as we got going, I hated it.
The mud stuck to you and if you didn't test the ground, there were sinkholes that went up to your knee and higher.

"Ugh." I hear Sky moan, and the weird sucking noise confirms the sinkhole as he pulls his leg out. Jerome is miserable, his fur icky, his nose twitching at the disgusting smells of the swamp. I still feel bad for pushing him, the panic was clear on his face as he fell, but hey, he was being annoying.

"This is disgusting." I hear Ty mutter as our shoes glomp and stomp through it.

"Your idea." I retort, and he rolls his eyes.

"Well, if it wasn't a swamp, we would be halfway there by now." He says back, and I look to the horizon, judging the distance. We haven't made it far.

"It's gonna get dark soon." Sky notices, and we all nod.

"We should find a place to stop." I say, my entire body aching from the stress. Jerome looks miserable as he adds,

"And a place to clean off." I chuckle inwardly as we find a relatively stable piece of ground, with relatively clean water. Jerome throws his packs down and immediately jumps in.
I help Ty and Sky unpack necessities then wash myself off a bit, then settle down for some re-lax-a-tion. The night isn't turning out to he so bad! I'm clean and comfortable.

"Did you guys hear that?" Ty asks suddenly and I turn to look at him.

"Uhh, no." Sky replies. I shake my head and Jerome shakes his fur off, spraying anything nearby.

"It wa- there! There it is again!" Still, I hear nothing. Ty furrows his brow and leans back on his bed, looking at the rapidly darkening sky.
For a few minutes we sit in silence until Sky stretches and yawns.

"Ty and I will take watches tonight. Sound good?" I nod and crawl into my bed, Jerome copying my actions.
As I wait for sleep, my mind wanders to the brands everyone seems to be getting. I'm the only one without, and it worries me. Will I get it tonight? Tomorrow? Never? Never sounds good, it looks like it hurt. But, if I do get it, I'm going to ask those ghosts some questions.

If I can.


The next morning I wake up safe and sound, my sleep having been dreamless. I help pack up and soon we're glomping through the swamp again. I complain inwardly as Jerome and Ty talk about something - I'm really not paying attention - every time my feet stick or make a weird noise.

"Why did we decide this was a good idea? Like, taking the road and the town" I finally ask. Sky shrugs and Ty answers,

"Probably because we haven't seen any other people in three years." I shrug at the answer. I guess, I mean, I kinda do miss the bustle of the city, and the buildings. That's all I really remember though.
I'm so occupied thinking about the city I remember that I don't see the slight indication that screams 'SINKHOLE', until I start falling in.
It's a really deep one, over my head.

"Oh god!" I hear others above me scrambling and slowly, I open my eyes. The dirt crumbles around me and the only light is above me, a small hole from where I fell from.

"Guys?" I stretch my arms up and still can't touch the top.

"Guys?!" I call again, and I hear and feel the panic in my voice.

"We're here!" Ty's face appears over me.

"Sit tight, we're trying to help!" Sky's voice floats down.

"You ok, Mitch? Anything hurt?" I check myself over.

"No broken bones." I reply, spitting out dirt.

"Just a nasty taste in my mouth and some bruises." I hear an audible sigh.

"We're gonna get you out!" I hear Jerome say,

"We're working on it." He says, his head appearing. I wave and he waves back. I look down, and see my packs.

"Here." I launch them up. He grabs the straps and hauls them above, to where I can't see. Turning in a quick circle, I find myself in a tiny pit 3 feet by 15 feet. Sitting, I place my feet on the dirt wall and sigh. Who knows how long I'll be down here, not to mention how much time we're missing out on for traveling. I can hear the faint voices of the others above me and I lean my head onto the dirt walls surrounding me. A soft sound greets my ears.


The sound of someone digging? Are they digging towards me? How are they doing it so fast? I decide to call out again.

"Guuuuys?" No one replies and the talking continues.

"Guys, this isn't funny, answer me!" No answer, but I hear feet padding above me.

"GUYS!" I shriek as more dirt crumbles beneath me and I fall again, hearing a thunk as my head hits something hard.

Then it all goes black.

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