Chapter one, first meeting

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"Char Char! Where are you?!"

"Fuck," Lucifer yelled out in pure horror cold sweat on his forehead as his blue human eyes shifted frantically around his surroundings.

He had came to the mortal realm on business not once noticing that his small precious duckling child had followed after him through the portal. It wasn't until he had already crossed over that her cute little giggle had almost startled his heart out of his chest.

"Daddy!" Her little bright blue eyes so much like his own stared up at him in pure awed innocence. Her eyes lighting up like fireworks as she began looking all around. Not at all aware of the shear dread that shook him in that moment. His fear came in one word, and one word alone.


What would she say once she found out that he had failed to notice that their darling daughter had followed after him through the portal. It wasn't like he could just conjure up another one and send her back. She was far too young to go off back on her own.

Shit. Shit . Shit. 

Quickly using his own powers he changed his darling daughter's appearance slightly to appear a little more human. Her little horns turning to a simple red horned headband as her outfit turned to a simple red overall dress with a white long sleeve shirt underneath. Her little hooves shifting until they turned to little human feet. In awe she squealed tapping her little shoes on the ground.

"Daddy look! Human feet!" She yelled out excitedly stopping her feet letting out endless giggles each time she jumped. Smiling gently down at her his heart warmed. Bending down at her level he rubbed the top of her head with a small chuckle.

"Fun isn't it ? Now remember Charlie can you promise me to behave while we're here." Her now light blue eyes stared up at him pure joyed excitement.

"Yes, Daddy!"

"Alrighty then." Taking a hold of her hand the two began waking down the street. Stopping what seemed very three seconds whenever Charlie spotted something new. Each time they'd stop he grew more nervous wondering if it was a good idea to have her walking around in the human realm so young. Even if he was the strongest demon, the devil himself. In front of his daughter he was very much a nervous reck.

A little giggle slipping from her lips before a full on squeal followed when she spotted a human walking their dog.

"Look daddy! An actual puppy!"

"Yes yes. Isn't that amazing Char char." He smiled nervously trying to appear as calm as possible in front of his little duckling. It wasn't her fault, but his own lack of attention that caused this.

He was already late to a meeting he had with one of the living humans that had formed a contract with him. A brave but stupid person that chose the devil himself to form a contract.

He would have to take her with him. That was the only solution, maybe get her some human trinket that would help silence her from informing her mother of what happened. They were already going through a rough patch right now. This morning had been better, Lilith had even agreed to go to dinner with him when he got back. He could forget about that if she were to find out about this.

With a small sigh he placed a smile on his face. Maybe he could turn this around. Make it a positive experience, he could have a one on one father- daughter date once he was finished with his meeting. Take her to a human amusement park or even any other silly fun things humans did.

"Alright." With a new found determination he grinned turning to gazed down at his sweet child.

"Char- wbrjtn!!!!" 

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