Chapter 3

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Two months later

A heavy sigh seemed to carry in that large work space of the king of hell himself. Propped up on his desk chair he hunched over his cluttered desk. Side of his face planted against the cold surface with a deep frown.

His index finger pocked at the small yellow rubber creature placed before him. Watching as the rubber ducky swayed back and forth before going still once again. Letting out another loud dramatic sigh he straighted up titling his head to look up at the ceiling above him. His mind still going over the ridiculous word he had heard uttered from that psychologist's mouth.


What utter ridiculous nonsense. Him. The king of  hell himself ? To have depression?!?! 

Where the hell did that so called depression come from?! He for sure didn't make it. Was that just his father's or siblings way to punish him? Maybe he just let that dumb human's ideas get to his head.

He had gone back the human realm on a whim. A way to distract himself from his Kingsley duties as well as in failed hopes of distracting himself of how empty his house felt. Lilith was spending less time at home. Taking Charlie with her to their secondary vacation home so often that they barely saw each other anymore.

He had been waking down those streets before his eyes caught sight of a small clinic sign. Before he knew it he had already walked in and about an hour later was seated on a couch spilling his emotions to a human doctor.

The moment he heard those words come out of the doctor's mouth Lucifer felt something inside him shift.

Severe depression and anxiety.

It was almost as if he had somehow finally found the name for those emotions that always seemed to swirl around in his mind and chest. Those emotions that awakened since the moment he was punished for his actions and sent down to hell. They had started tiny, simple specks of dust that soon like an hourglass began pilling up in his chest.

He hadn't regretted his actions back then or even now. He loved Lilith, he tried standing up for what he believed. From their union even Charlie had been born. He had been happy to carry her for all those months inside of him. Trying to bring to life he and Lilith had always wanted. They had tried for many years to have a family the normal way. Yet he had seemed the pain in Lilith's eyes each time they lost a child. He couldn't let her go through that pain one more time, so he decided to do it for them. They were so happy the day Charlie was born. It had all been worth it. Watching his beautiful duckling grow, take her first steps and say her first word. He had been so happy, even more so than he had been in heaven.

Yet even in those moment of pure happiness, from the corner of his eyes he could see that darkness creeping on him. That knotting feeling that seemed to suffocate him whenever he was alone.

I'm fine.

I have Charlie, I have Lilith.

Everything's fine.

Lucifer had always repeated those words to himself until the doctor uttered those words to him and that wall he had put up to hold that sand in his chest at bay suddenly collapsed.

Closing his eyes he released a heavy breath trying to remember when Lilith said she'd come back around with Charlie. Tomorrow...

That meant he only had today to collect himself before greeting his daughter back home. Maybe he should take those pills the human doctor prescribed. Although he wasn't so sure how well human medicine could even work on him.

"Fuck it." He muttered to himself standing up. What did he have to lose? If the human medicine didn't work he'd just go back to before those words flooded his mind.

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