"Your What They Call...Mine~"

794 15 58

Make sure to wear headphones When listening to the Song!

Only if you want to!

// Third Person //

Tanjiro kept jittering in his seat and moving in his chair annoying the other people that sat behind him. ''Psst Tanjiro stop moving! We can't see the chalkboard and you know Shinazugawa-San Doesn't wait on us he just keeps going" male voice scolded he sat right behind Tanjiro.

"S-Sorry.." Tanjiro apologized while he looked down. Damnit how who you like it if you had a boner right in the middle of class? huh? and the one person you Sexuality attracted to is teaching you and trying to hide it huh? not to mention every little touch makes my body jump and arch! and you tell me to stop moving.

Tanjiro's face started to heat up and he quietly start to pant. Then a note was passed to him it was from Zenitsu. Tanjiro opened it and was shocked only two words on the note.

Boner Problems?

Without looking back at Zenitsu Tanjiro nodded. Tanjiro Was Embarrassed That Zenitsu Knew this...wait could he hear his Pants? And Heavy breathing? Is that how Zenitsu Knew?

"Kamado" A short tempered voice called out from the front of the room. Tanjiro shot  his head up to see the one he loved..and was turned on by the most...Sanemi Shinazugawa is his math teacher.

"Yes? Sane— Shinazugawa-San?" Tanjiro replied correcting himself. "One, you have tutoring this afternoon, And two go to the bathroom Agatsuma said you were falling asleep, go to the bathroom and splash water in your face" Sanemi stated more in a demanding voice, crossing his arms.

Tanjiro nodded then got up from his seat and looked over his shoulder and smiled mouthing the swords "Thank you" to Zenitsu who gave a thumbs up.

"Kamado" Sanemi said in a strict voice. "Sorry!" Tanjiro apologized while he hurriedly walked up to the class and out the door making sure to close it behind him.

GOD DAMN IT ZENITSU YOUR THE BEST! Wait..why am I thanking him that much so I can just solve my problem?


~In the bathroom~

🔞Tw: Masterbating/Moaning 🔞

Tanjiro ran into the last bathroom stall and Slammed the bathroom The door shut quickly undressing himself.

  He was sitting on the stall with his legs spread open making his hole open and revealed a little bit and his cock stood straight up.

Precum coating it while Tanjiro thrusted it and gave himself pleasure.

He had already unbuttoned his shirt and was pinching his nipple with his free hand.

"Ngh~ S-Sanemi..Mm~ please~" Tanjiro moaned while his eyes closed just then opened but they were droopy and lustful.

Tanjiro closed his eyes fully trying to picture thoughts that would quicken this up a little, so Sanemi and his classmates wouldn't get suspicious of him.

Tanjiro started to rock his hips while he rubbed his nipple harder and faster, along with picking up his pace.

Some of the moans that were forming to come out got caught in his throat so it only sounded like Tanjiro was gasping which was still as kinky.

"mnn! yes~ ha ha mn~ Sanemi harder~" Tanjiro moaned loudly almost a scream.

His feet started to curl his hips that were rocking with  rhythm weren't in rhythm any more.

Tanjiro's eyes started to roll in the back of his head and his back arched, his head repeatedly slammed against the Stall wall.

He basically started acting like an untamed animal...all at once...

After teasing himself For a few minutes,
all of the hotness and lust went down to one area shooting it way out.

Tanjiro heavily panted his opened his eyes looking around the stall, "Mn, It wasn't as bad as last time.." he mumbled.

"So that's what you do here" a Raspy short tempered voice chimed in making Tanjiro jump.

"Shit! who..I though I was alone..." Tanjiro cursed at himself.

"Who would of thought you moaning my name was hot?" The raspy voice cooed.

Tanjiro's eyes widen and blush flushed on his face, "Shina-Shinazugawa-San?!" Tanjiro squeaked while he put the rest of his clothes on and cleaned the stall.

"The one and only" Sanemi replied. Tanjiro was scared to go out there but he did anyway.

Tanjiro opened the stall and poked his head out to see Sanemi leaning his back on the corner with a cigarette in his mouth.

Tanjiro blushed and averted his Re wine colored eyes somewhere else trying to avoid Sanemi's cold eyes.

"Sorry you had to hear that.." 

Sanemi snickered then walked over to the sick and put the lit cigarette in the water killing the flames then turned the facet off and looked back at Tanjiro who just stood there, not knowing what to do or what not to do. 

As soon as Tanjiro blinked he was pinned against the wall by Sanemi.

Tanjiro gasped and looked up at the Math Teacher the blush tinting to a red and spreading across his face like a wild fire,

"Shinazugawa-San what are you-Mmnph?!" Tanjiro was cut off by Sanemi kissing him deeply but without hesitation Tanjiro accepted the kiss.

Sanemi pulled Tanjiro closer making their noses go past each other just a little bit

Tanjiro's mouth wasn't closed all the way so it gave Sanemi access to slide his mischievous  tongue into Tanjiro's mouth, "Mmn!" Tanjiro 'mm-ed' in the kiss wanting air to breathe. 

Not yet let this kiss last a little longer Sanemi thought while he started to suck on Tanjiro's tongue. Sanemi gripped Tanjiro's perfect hips.

It was like the Kamado's hips and body fit perfectly in Sanemi's hands almost like Tanjiro's body was made just for him and him only..

Finally Sanemi was satisfied then broke the long wet kiss causing Tanjiro on pant heavily and saliva leaked out of his mouth.

Sanemi smirked then made Tanjiro look into his eyes, "Well continue later~"

Tanjiro Eyes wide and he blinked a couple times then noticed Sanemi was Gone .

But before he left he heard Sanemi Whisper in his ear:

"Your What They Call...Mine~"


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