Your My Future..

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What was the point of living? Why do we even experience of Love if that person breaks your heart or they just die? It fucking hurts really fucking bad Doesn't it? Sometimes you have anger build up sadness...Thoughts, Questioning, Wants, Attempts..But why do we live If we have The Good thinks taken away from us?






[] Warnings: []

Attempts Of Suicide


Dead Rengoku

Panic Attacks


Depressed Tanjiro





Tanjiro was trembling his wrist were bloody but he had already bandaged them up he was sitting down on the edge of the building one leg propped up both of his arms around that leg. While the other dangled, he looked down at the moving cars and traffic below him of Tokyo. He had already took off his shoes and put them to the side of the building.

"My Suicide Lullaby...It Starts with a knife ends with a lot of blood...I've tried it before...Pills....tried it before it doesn't seem to work..."

Tanjiro sung his voice in a whisper he then stood up from sitting down he took off his green checkered Hoodie folded it and put it to the side then took his shoes off and but those aside as well.

Tanjiro looked down for a moment both of his hands balled up in a tight fist, "What's the reason to keep living..I wanna Join, Mom,Father, Grandma, and...Rengoku-San...This World is fucking Toxic!" Tanjiro said to himself while he was about to jump...

And He did...

Then a Hand grasped on to his Shoulder...By a Unknown male that's all Tanjiro could tell but he didn't bother to try and get a scent off of him, Because why did he care? He Didn't he just wanted to End his suffering and his life.

"What the fuck do you think you doing huh?" A Raspy Angry but concerned voice asked coldly while he pulled Tanjiro in a embrace hugging him deeply One arm around Tanjiro's waist and the other on the back of his head.

Tanjiro's eyes widen all sorts of emotions were hitting him like a bullet. The Scent of Sorrow and worry entered his nose These two scents must be from Shinazugawa-San.... Tanjiro wrapped his arms back around Sanemi and closed his eyes, 

"Stupid...Why would you even do suck a thing?!" Sanemi asked while he pulled away from the hug his was slightly angry he slapped Tanjiro on the cheek slightly Harsh even though Sanemi Is acting quiet cold he is also deeply worried about the Kamado but didn't show it.

Tanjiro just looked up at Sanemi in pure shock words were not capable at the moment his left cheek was stinging and slightly throbbing. Sanemi sighed then walked over to the edge and grabbed Tanjiro's stuff, "Here out your shoes back on and You'll wear My Jacket.

Tanjiro snapped out of his thoughts and nodded he grabbed then shoes out of Sanemi's hands. Then watched Sanemi Take off the hoodie which rose when he took it off as well as for his shirt making it rise as well.

Tanjiro's heart throbbed when he saw that he also felt his facial cheeks get red. Sanemi took off the hoodie and handed it to the dark red head who snapped out of his thoughts.

"Thank you'' Tanjiro thanked while he quickly put the hoodie on Smelling Sanemi's Scent and the Warmth of him. "Hey Tanjiro'' Sanemi called out sounding Serious. "Hm?" The Maroon Hummed slightly looking up at the White haired male with Tanned skin and scars.

"You need somewhere to stay so I'll rent you a room for tonight Sound Good?" The White colored male asked. Tanjiro blinked a couple of times and he nodded his head. Sanemi held out his hand for Tanjiro to grab and gently Tanjiro did then Sanemi led then to a s decent looking hotel.

"Hope you two Enjoy your room!"

. . .

Tanjiro sat on the Bed alone  Taking in the newly and clean scent of the room which he was happy about. Sanemi came out of the Bathroom wearing black sweatpants and he shirtless. Which Caused it for Tanjiro to curse something under he breath.

Sanemi climbed in the bed then  sat next to Tanjiro right in font of him face to face, "Let it all out" He sad. Tanjiro's emotionless Maron eyes widen his vision got blurry Sanemi opened his arms for Tanjiro to get embraced in which he did do.

Tanjiro cried makin his tears Wet Sanemi's wet hot/warm skin. Sanemi ran his fingers in and ut of Tanjiro's hair playing with it.

After a Moment Tanjiro started to drift off to sleep, "Tanjiro" Sanemi whispered in Tanjiro'ear The Male opened his eyes and met Sanemi's beautiful colored eyes.

"Yeah?" Tanjiro asked sound a little curious.

"Stop Looking behind you at the past and keep looking Forward  in front of you that's your future" Sanemi said while he leaned in toward Tanjiro pecked a small quick kiss on the others soft lips. That gave Tanjiro no time to react When he did, Sanemi had already let Tanjiro out of his lap and was turned over Sounding and Gave off the Scent of Tiredness.

Tanjiro tucked into the blankets the Same as Sanemi he leaned over Toward  him and kissed his cheek lightly, "Sanemi-kun, your my reason t keep living Not the others only you, Well to break it Down,

 "I Love you.."

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