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" A party?" I asked Maggie. She smiled and nodded, " c'mon Yn. You know you wanna try some of their 'fancy whiskey'." She smiled, air quoting the words. I smiled, " I don't have anything to wear." She nodded. " I knew you'd say that." She pulled out a pair of black jeans an a plain grey button up. " Get dressed. We're going." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and pushed the clothes into my hands.

When we got there I glanced around. Most of my people were here. " You okay?" I asked as we saw Noah. " Yeah, just isn't really my thing." Maggie laughed. " You're one to talk. I had to force her into coming." He smiled halfly. " I think I'ma head out." He said. " No no, we're in this together." I smiled st him. " You're here with us now. With family." Maggie told him.

I glanced back. " Let's go enjoy it." I gave his back a pat, grabbing some of that whiskey Maggie talked about on the way. We made busy by chatting with the people, I sat with Glenn. Joking around and shoving each other.

" That's what you worry about!" Sasha yelled as a woman. I turned to her, getting up. " Sasha, let's go." I rested my hand on her shoulder but she just stormed off.


I stood next to Maggie, watching them load. " You got this. You always do. Stay at bay." She smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. " Thank you, love." I gave her hand a squeeze. " Well get it going. Power Grid held for so long, it'll be back up in no time." I smiled at Deanne. " Be safe out there. Okay." She squeezed my forearm. " Yeah, I'll be safe. Thanks." I got into the truck, immediately hearing them turn on crappy music.

I got out, helping Tara, when we stopped. " We should know all the exits first. If things go south we need a plan." I suggested. " I already got one, go out the front." Nicholas joked. We did a perimeter check after Aiden agreed to my plan.

I was with Glenn ans Noah. " Hey, good aim back there." Glenn said. " Target practice." Noah smiled. " Lots filled up. We're not getting out the front." I said. We got ready and went on in. Guns out. I heard the groans, " they're stuck behind something." I concluded. " How do you know." Aiden asked to which I shurgged. We walked on, untill we found the groans. They were trapped behind some chainlink fence. " It'll hokd for now." I said. Eugene went with Tara while we looked for any other useful things. " We found them." Tara smiled.

I glanced over the boxes just in time to see Aiden shooting at a walker. It had grenades on its body. " Aiden Stop. It's go-" I got cut off by the blast. It sent me way back. I got up, looking for my people. " Tara! Glenn!" I called shining around. I saw Aiden, he was thrown onto some spiked metal from the blast. Noah and Glenn came up to me. " We're here!" Eugene yelled. I saw Tara out cold. Head injury.  " Eugene, focus and shoot." I told him. He got jumped by another one making me vault over the boxes and grab it off of him. I shot the one on Tara's side. I checked Tara's head, grabbing her and pulling her to the office. I heard groaning. It was Aiden.

" Eugene, stay with her. We'll be back." I told him, running out. I shoved them as Nicholas shot the flare. When I got to him he was barely hanging on, " we gotta lift him up!" I yelled to Glenn. He nodded and came to my side. " We're gonna get you out of here. Just stay quiet." When we pulled on him he yelled. Nicholas was chickening out. When he saw the walkers coming he took off, " me and Glenn continued to pull m but to no avail. " It was us. The other s. They didn't panic, we did." Aiden said grabbing onto my shoulder. Glenn pulled me away just in time.

He got ripped apart while we made our way out. I was pissed. We had to go out the front. We got in the rolley doors but the walkers surrounded us. It was me, Glenn and Noah in one and Nicholas in the other. I steadied myself on Glenn's shoulder as I glanced at Nicholas. " We can shoot out way past them. You have guns." Nicholas yelled. " You have the ammo." Glenn countered. " There has to be a way."

Eugene came aeound with the van and that God awful music. He lured them away but they were still on the other side. " Okay, we break the glass." I tried but it wouldn't budge. " It's not safe." Nicholas yelled. He glanced at us then shoved the door trying to get out. Me and Glenn did our best to keep our door closed but it wasn't enough. Nicholas got out just as they grabbed Noah. We watched him being pulled in, shoved against the door and ripped apart.

We got out, but at what cost? I ran up to Nicholas, shoving him to the ground and throwing repeated punches at him. Glenn pulled me off of him as I wiped my tears. " Help me load him in the back." Glenn said, sniffing. " Where's Noah?" Eugene asked. I gave him a short shake of the head and got into the van. We drove back home, the image of Noah being torn apart still fresh in my mind.

When we got home I immediately got out. Yelling for help as I lifted Tara out of the truck. God, let me at least save one of my friends.


I'm kinda not seeing to writing the Yn( glenn ) - Nicholas moment but it has valuable character development on Enid and Yn's side so.


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