Chapter 02

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02| destiny

" – All the legends are true."

I heard Jace says as I walked back on the Infirmary. I leaned on the door, and knocked gently against it. Jace and Clary turned to me, the former having an immediate frown on his face. I blinked, clearing my throat before throwing them a sheepish smile.

"I-uh, I thought Clary would want a drink." I mumbled quietly, walking closer to them and handing Clary the glass of water I got from the kitchen.

"Thank you," Clary smiled softly, bringing the glass to her lips and downing the contents in one gulp.

"So," I breathed out, clasping my hands behind my back, smiling at Clary, "How are you feeling? I hope Jace is not giving you a hard time on this interview."

"I'm... uh –" Clary started but Jace beat her to it.

"She's fine. And this is not an interview, Amaris." Jace rolled his eyes.

"Well, it looks like an interview to me," I shrugged and sat beside Clary, who looked distressed once again.

Clary shook her head, throwing her hands up in the air, "So, I'm not interested in being part of your supernatural fight club. I just wanna find my mom. The rest of it, whatever it is, all I care about is finding my mother," My breath got stuck on my throat when she took my hands, looking desperate and ready to beg, "Please. Please help me find her."

If anything – she looked like me – begging for my dad a year ago.

"I – I, uh," I stammered, the panic rushing in my system as the memories I tried so hard to forget suddenly swarms my mind. My eyes grew wide and glanced at Jace.

"We're the best chance you've got," I heard Jace answered.

"I don't even know you," Clary replied, dropping my hand in the process. I quickly stood up and took a step back, running my fingers through my hair as I try to calm myself. The conversation got cut off when her phone rang. She got up, walking around as she answered the call, "Simon."

I let out a sigh, and jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder, my brows furrowing as I stared up at Jace, wearing the same expression as mine.

"What?" I asked him when he didn't speak. He pressed a tongue on his cheek, as if he was searching for something to say.

"You okay?" He finally asked. I let out a small smile, making him shift awkwardly in front of me.

"Wow. I should've put that on record," I crossed my arms, "Tell me did you hit your head or something earlier?"

"Yeah, you're fine. That's great." He muttered, throwing me a quick thumbs up before going over Clary's sketchbook.

"I'll leave you be," I told him even though I know he won't listen to a word I will say, "Don't do anything stupid."

Jace let out a snort, rolling his eyes as he flipped through the sketchbook, "You did not just said that to me."


"Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" I voiced out when I stepped inside the Ops Center, finding Alec, Jace and Clary along with another guy wearing a box rimmed glasses.

"What?" I stopped when I noticed the looks they're giving me.

Alec pursed his lips, almost as if he was trying to fight back a smile. His gaze lingered on me as I settle beside him.

"Whoa, are you like guys – twins? 'Coz he said the same thing a few seconds ago," The mundane spoke up, amusement lacing in his voice, and pointed at Alec and I, "Though y-you don't look like twins – you know, you're very, very stunning – and Asian? But absolutely stunning. Not that he's not stunning but – but – yeah, I'm Simon."

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