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"I want the girl - Amaris Kwon. That's her name isn't it? Anthony's daughter?"

Jace's blood run cold, his eyes widened in fear as he stared at Valentine. Dread filled his stomach, making him slightly nauseous as he forced a swallow, "W-what do you want with her? You promised not to touch my friends!"

Valentine laughed, shaking his head as he walked closer to Jace. He drapped his arm around Jace's shoulder and clicked his tongue, "You see, Jonathan. You trust way too easily."

Jace scowled, abruptly stepping out of Valentine's hold as if his father's touch burned him, "Leave Amaris alone."

"Oh, but I want the girl." Valentine chuckles.

Jace clenched his fist, fear and anger was crawling up to him as he stared at Valentine, "Why do you need her? Am I not enough?!"

Valentine tilted his head in wonder, and Jace's jaw clenched, wanting nothing but to wipe off that smile in his father's face. Valentine was enjoying this.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think that you liked that girl."

Jace was caught off-guard, and his expression must've been enough for Valentine to confirm his thoughts.

"You did, didn't you?" Valentine laughed maniacally, "Oh, Jonathan. Didn't pegged you as a martyr. You gave up way to easily?"

Jace's scowl deepened, "Leave her alone. I'll do what you want - anything. Just leave her alone. Leave all my friends alone."

Valentine sighed deeply, but the smile on his face didn't disappear - instead, it grew wider, "You don't have something she has."

"What are you talking about?"

Jace doesn't get easily scared - he takes his pride and braveness a little to seriously. But the way Valentine smiles at him felt a little bit too sinister. It was making him uneasy, and the uncomfortable feeling and the dread pooling in his stomach doesn't help.

"Ah, your dear friend's got a demon blood - something far more special than any demon blood."

Jace felt like all the wind his lungs got knocked off. The ringing in his ears grew louder, drowning the fast beating of his heart.

Valentine grinned wider, "You didn't know?"

His heart dropped, and no words seemed to go out of his mouth in shock.

"I want you to bring her to me, Jonathan." Valentine said, and patted his shoulder as brushed past him, "Bring Amaris Kwon to me, or I'll do it myself. And you don't want that, do you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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