Chapter 11

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11| hallucination

"You almost done?" Isabelle questioned, adjusting her latex gloves as she walked inside the autopsy room. I threw a quick glance at her, before focusing back on dissecting the Forsaken's flesh, Magnus using his magic to make sure no traces of it were used to create the Forsaken.

"Patience is a virtue, my dear." Magnus sighed.

"Come on!" Isabelle whined, clasping her hands as she stared at us, "I want to get my hands on that thing."

"You did not just say that." I murmured.

"Well, I did." She shrugged, an innocent smile crossed her face, "Besides, why are you here? I thought you were supposed to be on patrol with Alec?"

I pursed my lips, opening my mouth to explain when Magnus beat me into it.

"Speaking of which, how are you and Alexander?" Magnus raised a brow at me, "Last I saw the two of you, you were busy sharing a passionate kiss."

I choked at what he said, staring at him with wide eyes, "You - I," I sighed exasperatedly, "How - How did you know that?" I asked in surprise because I haven't told anyone yet about it.

Not even Isabelle, but knowing her - she already knew it. She didn't even pretended to at least be shocked.

Magnus shrugged, "It was in my lair. I see everything."

"Kiss?" Isabelle repeated, a teasing smile on her lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes." Was all I said.

My cheeks heated, and stared hard at the Forsaken in front of me. Isabelle walked around and stood beside me, pinching my sides, "Since when did you two kiss? And why am I just learning this now? I'm your parabatai!"

"It's not a big deal -" I tried to shrug it off.

"Not a big deal?" Isabelle asked, bewildered, then her eyes narrowed at me, "Was it just a kiss?"

I licked my lower lip, my face getting hotter, "W-Well -" I trailed off, at loss for any words at the moment. Isabelle and Magnus gasped, my parabatai smacking my arm in the process. I yelped, my hands dropping the scalpel I was holding.

"You traitorous bitch!" She laughed, shaking her head, "About damn time you two have se-"

"Izzy!" I gave her a look. She pursed her lips, trying hard not to smile and laugh, her shoulders shaking lightly from the contained laughter.

"What? Can't I rejoice that my ship has finally sailed?" She asked, throwing her hands, "After so many god damn years, by the angel!"

"Years?" I gave her a confused look. Magnus rolled his eyes, his hips nudging me.

"Oh, please, Amaris." He scoffed lightly, "Even a blind person can see how Alec's crazy about you, and you with the way you always look at him."

"Don't forget the sexual tension." Isabelle added, giggling. I sighed, shaking my head.

"You guys are unbelievable." I muttered, a ghost of smile on my lips.

"So was it good?" Isabelle whispered, Magnus leaning close to hear it. My eyes widened at her.

"Isabelle!" I gasped, lightly smacking her arm, "This is not the right place to talk about that. And can we please focus on the task at hand first?"

"You even sound like him now," Her face scrunched before she smiled, shrugging as she picked up another scalpel, "Fine by me." She sighed, turning serious as she observed the body, "Putrefaction. It's decomposing."

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