Chapter 6

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A/N dedicated to: Suruchieee cuz they're the first friend I've made in wattpad this year 😄 any reader of mine can check their book too. 😌

A few days later:

Eeshan was definitely a natural, or maybe he was just very lucky. Yet, the fact remained the same -- he had passed the set of interviews easily, and today, he would be tested by the CEO herself.

He whistled Hai Apna Dil To Awara to himself and wore a two-piece suit [yes, a two-piece suit in summer].

Eeshan sat for breakfast with a hint of smile on his face. "You look happy today," Eeshan's mother, Meera, commented. He looked at her, "I.. have an interview today. So I'm faking my brain into thinking I'm happy when I'm actually nervous, " Eeshan told, hoping his mother wouldn't question much.

"Father, will you be going to the office today?" Eeshan asked suddenly. "Nope, I will be playing courtpiece with my friends today, at Arun's house. Your mother didn't want us to play here." Devansh shrugged innocently.

"By the way, where is it? The interview? Is it necessary to wear a suit for it?" he asked, squinting his eyes at the brown suit his son wore. "Yahi kahi, Assistant ka job hai. It's for..the first impression, " said Eeshan, a little quickly.

Thankfully, he had finished breakfast [which was a platter of colorful fruits] within a few minutes and dashed out of the house. "Are wait, have some dahi shakkar!" Meera shouted behind her son. Devansh chuckled. The manner with which his son spoke - maybe his plan was working..

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Eeshan parked his SUV in the parking lot and walked into the main building of Zillows. He had been there previously for the interviews. This interview would probably be the game changer. He hit 17 in the elevator and waited.

Soon, he found himself in front of a very attractive looking woman whom he definitely hadn't seen in the past few days. "You're here for the interview, right? Your name?" she asked.

"Er..Eeshan Naik," he said, hoping she would not link him with his father. He didn't want anyone to know about that. It was, in Gaurav's words, 'necessary so that he can carry out his plan successfully without anybody being suspicious about him'.

"Right, I'm afraid you'll have to wait, Barkha has to still check a few others." The woman said. Eeshan nodded and glanced at her badge, which has her name on it, 'Diana A' ."Thanks, Diana!" he said, resisting the urge to wink at her before sitting on one of the chairs assigned to the interviewees.

How does this Diana know the current CEO?
Are they on a first name basis? Are they friends? Will I get something nasty about Barkha from her?

Eeshan's thoughts were broken by a call. "Yes, Gaurav?" he whispered, picking his phone. "Bro, why is your problem stuck in my gym?" Gaurav, too, whispered.

"What? What problem? And yeah, you don't have to whisper. I am actually -" his words were broken by, " Your Natasha is in the gym bugging me for the past 15 minutes for your number. I thought she wanted to get a membership, but she just keeps talking about you!" Gaurav whisper-yelled.

"Which Natasha?"

"Abe kamine, how am I to know? She's so bloody irritating! Walked into, no! Barged into the gym and looked everywhere for you!" Gaurav then spoke in a high-piched voice, "Have you seen my Eeshan? I've been wanting to meet him for sooooo long! He left me in the club blah blah blah, " Gaurav said, thoroughly annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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