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Congrats to Lesly_1523, your character made it into the book!

"You ready?" Josh asked once I met him outside of the school.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I answered as I hopped onto my bike.

"Okay, let's go!" he shouted, racing away.

"Wait up, Josh! I can't go that fast!" I laughed.

Josh turned his head around as he speedily pedaled his bike and yelled, "Well you're gonna have to!"

"Oh it's on," I mischievously muttered. I pedaled faster until I was pedaling as fast as my legs could ever pedal.

Finally, once I passed Josh, I breathlessly teased, "Haha, who's the slow one now?"

"Who's the one out of breath?"

"Definately not me," I sarcastically answered.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Josh questioned

"Um, not really," I admitted.

"'Kay I'll lead then," Josh said as he sped up so he could pass by me. "I won't go fast this time though."

"Good," I breathed. I followed Josh as we rode through the little town of Pine Creek. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "Look at that cute little Starbucks over there! It's so little and cute! Is that the one we're going to? Omigosh it's so cute!"

"Calm down about it being cute," Josh laughed. "And yes, that's where we're going."

"Yay! I love this town."

As we biked up to the tiniest Starbucks ever, Josh asked, "Have you ever been to this town?"

"No," I responded.

"It seems like it," he stated.

Josh and I walked into Starbucks and I instantly searched the menu. As I was deciding between a Passion Tango Tea or a Caramel Frappuccino, Josh stepped up to an open cash register and ordered, "Can I please get two medium Caramel Frappuccinos?"

"Is that all?" the cash register lady asked.

"Yep," Josh said.

"Okay, your total is eight seventy-six," the lady returned. Josh handed her the money and walked to the counter to wait for our drinks.

"How did you know what I wanted?" I asked Josh once I made it over to him.

"I didn't," he shrugged.

"I don't believe you," I said, watching one of the workers squirt whipped cream onto our Frappuccinos.

Placing the drinks onto the table in front of us, he announced, "Two Caramel Frappuccinos."

Josh and I grabbed our drinks and found a spot to sit in. "Seriously," I started when I slid into my chair, "how did you know?"

"I have my ways," he answered, sipping his Frappuccino.

I took a sip of my own and asked, "Who told you?"

"No one."

"You're really hard to crack," I said.

"Thank you," he replied as he sat back in his seat. I rolled my eyes in response and drank my Frappuccino.

"Seriously though, who did you ask?"

"Well there isn't that many people to ask, so I think you can figure that one out yourself," he pointed out.

"True," I sighed, slurping down the rest of my drink.

"Geez, Maddie! It's only been ten minutes and you're already finished?!" Josh exclaimed.

I giggled and responded, "Yeah, I love Starbucks."

"No kidding," he answered.

We sat in silence for the next few minutes, until a girl cane up to our table. "Hey, Maddie! I haven't seen you in forever!"

I looked over and saw Leslie Garfias, my old best friend who moved to Salem, Oregon a few years ago. She has black, wavy hair with brown streaks in it, and chocolate brown eyes. "Hi, Leslie! How have you been?"

"I've been great! It's so good to see you again!" she chirped.

"I thought you moved to Oregon," I wondered aloud.

"Yeah, I did, but we're just visiting Pennsylvania for a while," Leslie answered.

"Oh, that's fun! Are you going to do anything special while you're here?"

"I don't really know what we're gonna do here yet, but I do know that we're going to have a fun time! Oh! We could have a ton of sleepovers together wouldn't that be awesome?"

As Leslie kept talking, I felt a pang of guilt when I noticed Josh stand up and leave. "How about I talk to you later? I'm kinda with someone right now," I told Leslie.

"Um, okay! I'll text you!"

"Yeah, bye," I called out as I left Starbucks.


By the time I made it outside, Josh was already gone. Suddenly. I felt really bad for both Josh and Leslie; I didn't treat either of them fairly.

❀author's note❀

yay! an update! *celebrates for hours*

so what'd you think of this update? I think I like it :)


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