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Two Months Later

"Hey, Maddie," I heard someone say behind me. I looked behind my shoulder to find Josh standing next to me.

"Oh, um, hi," I greeted.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

"Pretty good, how about you?"

"I'm wonderful," he emphasized as I smiled. "So," he started, running his fingers through his hair, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out sometime this week?" I swear I felt my heart skip a beat.

Oh, my gosh. Is Josh Hyland asking me out on a date?

"I'd love to," I shyly responded.

"Great," he said.

I blushed and said,"Okay, I gotta go."

"Okay, talk later?"

"Yep!" I exclaimed, giving him a thumbs up.

I remember the last time we talked, when Josh asked for my number. It was a little awkward, but now it might not be as awkward if we're dating. Or so I thought.

"Maddie, do you know how to write an essay? I have to write one for a homework assignment, but I always fail essays," Kenzie admitted at home.

Since English is my best subject, I responded, "Sure, I can help you."

"Great! Can you help me right now? It's due tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! Did you plan on doing this at the last second?" I questioned.

"Well, you see, um-"

"We need to do this now!" I cut off. "Unless you want a teacher mad at you," I slyly added.

"Omigosh! That would be horrible!" Kenzie shrieked. "C'mon, let's do this up on my room." Kenzie grabbed my arm and rushed upstairs.

Once we entered Kenzie's bedroom, I snatched her backpack and asked, "Which class is this for?"

"It's for science, we're supposed to write an essay about the digestion system."

"You're doing anatomy this year?"

"No, general science," she answered.

"Okay, let's get to this essay," I announced as I seized Mackenzie's science and notebook from her bag. I flipped through her notes and found a page on the digestion system, which displayed a titanic amount of information. "Woah, this is a lot of information. Do you really need all of it?"

"Well, the essay is supposed to be two pages long, so yeah, I think so," Kenzie rambled.

"Okay," I started as I sat down on her bed, "first you need to decide what information you need to use."

"So just find useful information and write it down on another piece of paper? So basically just like more notes?"

"Yep," I answered as I handed Kenzie the notebook. I watched as she took a pen out of her desk drawer and sat down. She ripped out a piece of notebook paper and started jotting down words.

Ten long minutes later, I felt a buzz in the back pocket of my jeans. I grabbed my phone and noticed that I received at text from Josh.

Josh: Hey

Maddie: Hey

Josh: What's up?

Maddie: Just helping my sister with homework

I've never actually told Josh that I have a sister, we've never actually even talked about our families before.

Josh: Cool! What's your sister's name?

Maddie: Kenzie

Josh: So is she younger or older?

Maddie: Younger

Josh: Cool! I have two sisters - one older and one younger

"'Kay, I'm done with that. Now what?" I heard Kenzie ask.

I turned off my phone and answered, "Now you need to make an outline."

"How do you make your outlines?" Mackenzie questioned.

"I number my paper and then I like to take a look at the information I found. Then I put it in a certain order on the outline, but I only write keywords."

"Okay, I'll try that," Kenzie responded.

Maddie: I've never had an older sibling before

Josh: You're lucky again! Older siblings always boss you around

Aw, that's cute, I thought, Josh is pouting.

Maddie: It's not that fun being the oldest either. It's a big responsibility

Josh: It's better than having older siblings

Maddie: No I think it would be fun to have older siblings

Josh: Suit yourself

Josh: Are you busy tomorrow night?

I don't have dance on Wednesdays, so I shouldn't be busy.

Since I was too lazy to go downstairs to check with Mom, I texted her instead.

Maddie: Am I busy tomorrow night?

"I'm done with my outline!" Kenzie exclaimed. "Now what?"

"Now you can either handwrite your essay and then type it, or you can just go ahead and type it," I explained.


Mom: No

Maddie: Ok

After I received an answer from my mom, I texted Josh back:

Maddie: Nope! Why?

Josh: I was wondering if you wanted to go to Starbucks or something after school


Josh: So is that a yes?

Maddie: What do you mean? Of course it's a yes!

Josh: Great! See you tomorrow then ;)

Maddie: Bye

I turned off my phone and asked Kenzie, "So do you need anymore help?"

"Nope! I'm all good, I want to show you the essay when I'm done though," Mackenzie answered.

"Okay," I answered as I walked out the door.

Omigosh, omigosh, I'm going on a date with Josh!

As I walked into my room, I realized that I needed to let my mom know that I'll be home a little late.

Maddie: Is it ok if I go somewhere with a friend after school tomorrow?

Mom: It's fine as long as you're home by 6:00

Maddie: Ok!

Perfect! This is going to be fun.


Yay! I think I'm gonna like the sequel better lol. The first book I kinda just rushed it, and it was mostly all about dance. This one is more about her life outside of dance:)

I hope y'all enjoy this sequel!


{P.S. Maddie's hair all grew back:)}

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