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Natasha shakes her head and hands the tablet back, "that's impossible. I never had a baby."

"Are you sure?" Tony asks, speaking for the first time. "The dna doesn't lie," he says pointedly.

Natasha scoffs, "but I do, is that it Tony?" When he doesn't answer she says, "I'm positive that I've never been pregnant or had a baby. You know me, if I thought for even a second that this was possible, do you really think that I would have left her in that place?"

"Then how do you explain it?" Tony argues.

"I don't know!" Natasha explodes. "It's the Red Room, who knows how they did it." She turns back to the girl, "are you sure Bruce?"

"I'm sure," he says.

"Hey!" The girl yells. "I'm getting bored and nothing good happens when I'm bored! So get Natalia before I decide to come out and play!"

Natasha's heart nearly stops when the girl speaks. The hate is clearly etched in her voice, her accent unmistakably that of the Red Room. All the Widows were forced to learn at least ten languages and each one came with an accent that blended together into one that was unique to Widows. Usually they could hide it, but neither Natasha nor Yelena did anymore. They had hoped if they came across another Widow it would help them to identify Natasha and Yelena as fellow Widows and get the girls to trust them.

But so far this girl was the only one they'd found in their searches. And they hadn't even found her, she'd found them.

"I'll go talk to her again," Steve says as he moves towards the door.

"No," Natasha tells him. "She's already attacked you and Tony, not to mention the two presumably male guards. What's that tell you?"

Realization spreads on Steve's face, "she doesn't like men."

Natasha nods, "most Widows don't, especially the younger ones." She takes a deep breath, "I'll go talk to her. She came for me, so let's give her what she wants."

After a brief trip to the kitchen, Natasha stands outside the door to interrogation five holding a tray with a bottle of water, two different sandwiches and a bag of chips. She takes a deep breath before going into the room and closing the door behind her. She could feel the girls eyes on her as she sets the tray down and takes a seat at the table.

Natasha steadies herself before looking up into the girls eyes. She had moved from the table and was leaning back in her chair, arms crossed, watching Natasha. Her thumb taps her arm, her long sleeves pulled down over her hands and her thumbs poking through a hole in them.

Natasha scoots the tray towards the girl, "this is for you. Pb&j and a ham and cheese," she motions to each sandwich. "I wasn't sure what you'd want." The girl doesn't move and they sit there looking at each other for a few minutes, the girl studying every detail of the woman in front of her just as Natasha was doing to her.

"What's your name?" Natasha finally asks, breaking the silence.

She thought the girl wasn't going to answer but finally she said, "Elodie." She grabbed the water and opened it before sliding it to Natasha with a raised brow.

Natasha chuckled softly, "it's not poisoned, I promise." She takes a drink from it anyway before handing it back, "it's nice to meet you, Elodie."

"You too," Elodie said before drinking most of the bottle.

"I'm sorry about all this. It's just a precaution. It's not everyday someone shows up claiming to be your child," Natasha tells her, trying to read the girl's reaction.

"Lucky you, huh?" Elodie says with a wry smile as she opens the chips.

"So how did you get here?"

"A bus."

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