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Elodie walks out of the shed with Doctor Orlov and joins the soldiers waiting outside who have an unconscious Wanda handcuffed on the ground. "Put her in the helicopter," Doctor Orlov orders them. He turns to Elodie, "I trust that you can subdue Natalia and Yelena?"

She chuckles, "it'll be my pleasure." She starts walking towards the house but stops when the soldiers move to accompany her, "stand down. They are mine," she orders them. She holds her hand towards one of the soldiers and he gives her his handgun without question or hesitation. "Give me five minutes."

She goes up to the door her and Wanda had just left through and calls, "Natalia? Yelena?"

There's a pause and then a muffled, "Elodie?"

Elodie takes a few staggered breaths and runs inside, "they got Wanda! They cut us off from the boathouse and I couldn't stop them!"

Natasha and Yelena stand up from their hiding spot and Natasha asks, "are you hurt?"

While at the same time Yelena asks, "did you see where they took her?"

Elodie shakes her head, "I'm fine. I think one of them said something about a helicopter. I- I don't know.. she told me to hide and I did."

"Why didn't you shoot them?" Yelena asks, motioning to the gun in her hand.

Elodie looks down at the black gun that's cradled in her palm, "well.. that's because these bullets are for you." She raises the gun and shoots each woman twice, once in the leg and once in the shoulder. Natasha and Yelena hit the floor in a pained heap, blood coming from their wounds, "I wish I could say that I didn't enjoy that but I'd be lying," Elodie tells them with a sick grin.

She goes over to them and kicks their weapons away, along with Natasha's hand that latched onto her leg, "why?" Natasha asks. "Why do all this just to kill us?"

Elodie crouches down and cocks her head at the woman, "I wasn't sent to kill you. I was sent to bring the two of you back home. And it worked out perfectly," she says as she stands back up. "Who knew it would be so easy to trick the infamous Black Widow, the youngest assassin in history, a mind reading witch and the rest of the Avengers?" She laughs loudly, "all it took was a scared girl claiming to be your child and you all rolled over like a beaten dog."

"You are my child," Natasha grits out as she tries to stop the blood coming from her shoulder.

"Actually," a voice says from the doorway. "She's mine."

All three turn towards the man standing in the doorway, all three having very different reactions-

Yelena grabs a piece of broken furniture and tosses it at him as he walks towards them.

Natasha seems to freeze, her face draining of any color that was left.

Elodie smiles at him, "hello papa."

Dreykov smiles back at Elodie and puts his hands on her shoulders, "you did good my daughter."

"She's not your daughter!" Natasha yells at him as she finally snaps out of it. "Non of us were ever your children! Elodie snap out of it!"

"Can I kill her yet?" Elodie asks, not looking away from Dreykov.

The man chuckles, "not yet. She still has so much to offer us. With her, the Avengers will be at our mercy." He looks over at Natasha, "and you're wrong. She is my daughter, in every sense of the word."

Natasha looks between the two of them, finally noticing what she should have realized weeks ago, "no," she whispers. "You can't be."

"But I am, Natalia," Dreykov assures her. "You were the best of all my girls. Ruthless, cunning, cruel. I wanted to reward you, so I made Elodie. I used the best parts of both of us. I was going to introduce you to each other when you came home from your last mission, but you didn't come home. You left us, left her, to go be someone that you are not." He shakes his head, "but it is of no matter now. All of my girls are reunited and my daughter has brought me a gift. I didn't even tell her to bring me the witch," he adds proudly.

"Bastard," Yelena growls at him. "How did she get past Wanda? She was in her head! She would have seen!"

"She saw what I wanted her to see," Doctor Orlov says as he joins them. "Artificially implanted memories. Designed by myself," he says proudly. "I also designed the prosthetic eye that allowed us to see and hear everything you told her."

Elodie taps the right side of her face that has the fake eye, "we all have the same training and yet you gave up everything so easily. I was starting to get bored and nothing good happens when I get bored. If you hadn't have planned this trip, my contingency plan would have activated and while I would have enjoyed it, you would not have." Elodie shrugs, "oh well. This was fun but I'm ready to go home." She turns to Dreykov, "can we go home now papa?"

Dreykov nods, "yes my daughter, we can."

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