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Natasha was busy fighting with the pancake batter when she was suddenly lifted off the ground and spun around. A familiar laugh greeted her as she got struggled to break free. "Yelena put me down," she laughed out.

After a few more spins, Yelena sets her back down and looks at her sister. Her blond hair is braided back and her blue eyes are shining. A familiar grin on her lips that crinkle her eyes as she says, "I missed you sestra."

"I missed you too little sister," Natasha tells her lovingly. "Even if you did burn breakfast," she jokes as she turns back to the now burnt pancakes. Scraping them into the trash, Natasha spoons more lumpy batter into the pan, frowning slightly. Cooking was not her strong suit and for some reason she wanted to make a good second impression with Elodie.

"So I have a niece huh?" Yelena asks uncertainly.

"It looks that way," Natasha tells her with a sigh. "Dreykov apparently made her in a test tube with unknown male dna."

"Bastard," Yelena grumbles while taking a done pancake of the stack beside the stove. She takes a bite and has tries to hide a grimace. "Delicious," she tells Natasha was smile as she tries to swallow the undercooked pancake.

"Maybe just the bagels and fruit then?" Natasha asks sadly. For as long as Yelena has known her, Natasha has always liked to cook. She'd follow the recipes exactly, plating them just like the pictures but they would always taste horrible no matter what she did.

"JARVIS can you tell Wanda and Elodie that breakfast is ready please," Natasha calls as she dumps the pancakes into the trash.

"Of course," JARVIS chirps out. "Miss Wanda said that they will be right down."

Natasha pulls four plates from the cabinets places them at the bar, turning them so the floral pattern lines up. She wasn't a big fan of floral but she'd let Wanda pick out the dishes when she had moved in as a way to make her feel more welcome and at home.

Going to the fridge, she grabs the milk and orange juice along with a bowl of mixed fruit. Placing it in the center of the table she tries to make it look nice. "Yelena grab the bagels," she orders her sister who has been watching her curiously.

Yelena rummages in the cabinet for the bagels and peanut butter, handing them to Natasha just as Wanda and Elodie came in laughing. When Wanda saw Yelena she squeals out, "Lenny!" Rushing over to Yelena, Wanda also gets picked up and spun around.

Elodie stands by the bar watching them awkwardly. Natasha gives her a small smile and Elodie looks away as she fidgets with her sleeves. The sleeves of a very familiar sweatshirt and pants.

"She's got a knife in her right sleeve," Wanda's voice said her head.

Natasha's eyes flick over to Wanda who has been set back down and isn't looking at her, "thanks kid." Looking back at Elodie she asks, "are those my clothes?"

"Oh uhh yeah. Sorry. I didn't exactly bring anything," Elodie tells her.

"It's fine, keep it. It looks good on you. Maybe later we can all go shopping," Natasha offers

"Yeah maybe," Elodie agrees, looking uncomfortable.

"Should we eat?" Yelena interrupts.

"Yes please I'm starving," Wanda said picking a seat. Elodie sat next to her with Yelena opposite and Natasha beside her. "How was your mission Lenny?"

"Fantastic!" Yelena tells her through large bite of fruit, "I blew up so many buildings and went to this cafe that had delicious Macaroni. Oh and I met this Bulgarian heiress at a club and we spent the rest of my trip in my hotel room. She was absolutely gorgeous, long black hair, legs for days and great big boo-"

"Yelena!" Natasha warns with a pointed look towards the kids.

"What?" She asks innocently.

"Yeah Nat, why'd you stop her? I wanted to hear about her big boobs!" Wanda says as she laughs. "It's the best part of Yelena's stories."

"I have a picture, you want to see?" Yelena asks as she pulls out her phone.

"Of course!" Wanda insists as Yelena turns her phone towards the girl. Wanda whistles slowly when she saw the picture, "niceee." Yelena turns her phone towards Natasha and she had to admit the girl was beautiful and exactly as Yelena described. The picture left nothing to the imagination and Natasha shook her head slightly, how did Yelena manage to find this many women?

"You want to see?" Yelena asks Elodie.

Elodie's face turned red as she stammered, "uhh I um,"her eyes going wide at the picture.

"Beautiful isn't she?" Yelena asks fondly as she puts her phone away.

"So you're..?" Elodie asks cautiously.

"Gay, yes." Yelena finishes for her. "You?"

Elodie's face turns even more red and she mumbles something they couldn't hear. Wanda bumps her shoulder reassuringly, "it's ok El, Yelena can be a bit much sometimes. You don't have to answer her."

"It's fine, I'm just not used to people being so open about it," Elodie tells her.

"We had to hide it while in the Red Room, but here we don't have to," Natasha adds.

"Same with Hydra," Wanda tells her. "But it's safe here and we can all be who we are."

"We?" Elodie asks as she looks around the table.

"Yeah we," Natasha tells her gently. "Yelena is gay and I'm bisexual."

"I'm pansexual," Wanda tells her.

"Gay must run in the family then," Elodie mumbles. "I'm gay," she says slighter louder. It was the first time she'd said the words out loud on her own and she instinctively waited for the punishment that always follows.

But of course none came.

Instead Yelena chuckles, "hi gay, I'm auntie."


"Yelena and Nat are sisters," Wanda explains.

"I didn't think Dreykov allowed siblings?" Elodie asks confused. The Red Room didn't allow anyone to have any blood family and outside of Elodie and Natasha, she's never heard of anyone else being related.

"He doesn't but we aren't blood related," Yelena tell her.

"Blood isn't the only thing that makes a family. Sometimes it's people that you've been through hell with, people you choose to be your family," Natasha says as she looks at Elodie.

"Family means a lot around here huh?" Elodie asks, looking back at Natasha with a growing anger. "If it means so much, why did you never come for me? Dreykov said you knew about me, that you agreed to them making me. You talk about family but you LEFT ME BEHIND!" She finishes with a yell as she stands up and storms out, leaving everyone to stare after her in shock.

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