Sex in Three Easy Lessons: Part 1

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Delores' homecoming was quiet and that was how she liked it. She had hitched from the mountains to Atlanta and was anxious to get her life started again. So many questions went through her mind. Where was she going to live? Who would do her hair - Vincent at Charles Gregory or Pat at the Majestic Mousse? Oooh! And what about her nails? Would it be safe in Atlanta? It was July and a heat wave was going on now and she thought the heat might damage her hair.

Delores was on the MARTA now traveling North to the downtown station. Not far from there was a Catholic Mission - Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. It was at the corner of Central and MLK Drive. Delores knew she could get a shower and some rest there if she went under the pretense that she was homeless, which actually was true. She didn't have a place to stay. But what would be the ultimate move? Hm... Maybe she can find a cheap duplex for rent?

Delores had on tattered blue jeans. You could see a piece of her right cheek because she wasn't wearing any panties and flip-flop sandals. For a top, she wore a basketball shirt with Michael Jordan's picture on the front and back. Her hair was pulled back in a nappy ponytail with the excess pinned up in a ball.

"Will I meet someone nice this time, or another dog, like Frank?

Delores rubbed her hand against the scar on the side of her neck. She looked at the scars on the side of her hand and then crossed her legs. She was tempted to pick at the scab just below her ankle but did not. She was healing nicely.

Delores thought to herself, "Frank was not a dog. Maybe I just didn't understand him."

Thoughts of people she had killed began creeping in. Lucci, Feemor and all the others Frank had asked her to kill. Was she feeling guilty? She told herself no. It was just a job, nothing personal. Hell, she even liked some of them. Lucci for one. Eventhough he was a fat pig, he would've given her everything she wanted.

The train stopped at the Five Points station. Delores grabbed her bag. She had it behind her back. It was a black knapsack with the logo of the rap group Public Enemy on it. Inside were all of her worldly possessions - baby pictures, some make-up, a few clothes and some money (about one hundred thousand in large bills).

"Oh gawd! Here we go," Delores said as she passed through the turnstyle to the outside of the station.

Five Points was the center of downtown. From it, you could reach any significant Atlanta landmark. People were everywhere coming and going. In front of the station were several vendors, most of them black. They sold everything from sunglasses to fruit. Among the vendors were several religious folk soliciting their way of life. Muslims were selling their papers, Hare' Krishnas were singing, baptist ministers were preaching and old women were passing out leaflets. A deaf man who could not speak was yelling an inaudible message that seemed to annoy the people waiting for a bus and amuse one of the MARTA transit cops.

Delores walked to the corner, past the religious traffic and crossed the street. An elderly woman passing out religious leaflets noticed her and turned her nose up. She was offended by Delores.

"I can see your bottom," the old woman said, "You going to Hell!"

Delores turned and looked at the woman. She was black and very dark skinned. She wore an old fashioned ruffled dress that dropped clear to her ankles. On her head was a type of bonnet that covered most of her hair, which was straight and pinned back.

"Why did you say that?" Delores retorted, "You don't even know me!"

"Yo' head ain't covered and I can see your cheeks!" She replied in her stern, loud voice. "You going to hell!"

The old lady had a partner. With the exception that she was white, they looked just alike. She was laughing and cheering her friend's condemnation on.

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