Sex in Three Easy Lessons: Part 2

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Lesson Two

"Well if I was a cop I would've run your license through the computer and got a description of you, your rap sheet and maybe your favorite recipe. But guess what? I'm not a cop. Surprise!"

Delores laughed uncontrollably for five minutes and fell off the bed. When she got up she was serious again.

"Okay! Enough of this, back to business."

She cleared her throat and pondered where she left off. Her prisoner was beginning to feel a bit dizzy. The phone wire was tied to tight.

"Oh yeah," she smiled. "I did not have a clue as to where to find you. I thought about combing the alleyways or hijacking a copter and watching for you on the highway but then I thought that was silly."

She started to laugh, but caught herself.

"I can't fly a helicopter."

The prisoner was approaching the point of desperation. His eyes searched the room for a hope of salvation, but found none. He was tied to a bed in a spartan bedroom. The walls were white and so was the floor and so was the carpeting. The door was freshly painted white and shut. Besides the bed, the only other furniture was a small nightstand and an old scraped up dresser bureau that was made of wood and bamboo. The two windows were shut and covered by white levolor blinds. On the ceiling were several square mirrors adhered together. From time to time, Delores looked up at the mirrors and checked her hair. She was always pleased by what she saw.

"Anyway, there I was stuck without a clue." Delores exhaled and crossed her arms to illustrate her frustration. "So I thought a moment and it came to me. You've been following me all day but you don't know that I know that you followed me all day".

Delores smacked her forehead.

"Easy! If the Mohamed can't go to the mountain, then try, try again!" She started to giggle again but stopped. "So with that in mind I rushed home to set up a booby trap."

She smiled and kissed her finger. She then placed the finger on his pants where his penis was.

"For you booby!"

The prisoner saw his only chance was to go along with her. It was not like he had any choice in the matter. In the back of his mind he wondered should he have killed her back at 'The Bottom' when she took out Frank. He could've made some story up and made it work. But if he did that, he wouldn't have known how Delores was. He wouldn't have know what drove her to do that. And he still doesn't. The thought of dying without knowing made him even more uncomfortable.

"I am so smart. I started first by putting my lights on timers! My TV too! And then I got this... what you call... a reflective glass... which ain't nothing more than a fancy way to call a mirror, a mirror!"

She giggled again.

"Anyway Honey, what I did was make it look like I was in the front of the window when I was really on the other side of the room. Pretty smart huh?"

Delores wanted a response but got none. When she gave her prisoner a cross look, he nodded "yes" emphatically.

"Good for me you didn't use a laser site or else it would have bounced off the glass and the joke would have been on me."

Delores raised her chin up high as if she were a schoolgirl showing off her doll collection, or some other valued object.

"Anyway to make a long story short, you shot my reflection and I fell down. You probably thought I was dead too, but with that last fiasco you wanted to be sure. I watched from another window as you left your car and entered through the back. The way my room was situated it was so easy. The duplex was beside a hill with tall grass. The lot had a run-down house on it where the junkies crash from day to day. It was always something going on over there. So no one would even notice a break-in. Not in that neighborhood. I don't know if you're from here, but some people are afraid to drive through the far side of Little 5 Points, the part past the railroad tracks and beside the MARTA station. I guess because its a poor neighborhood and so many black folks live there and... you know how racist people can get! Well, anyway when you came in... pow! A baseball bat to the back of the ol'noggin'! Well actually, quite a few hits to the back of the noggin'."

Delores scratched her head as she recollected.

"Come to think of it you're pretty tough! Either that or I held myself back. Doesn't matter! All that matters is that I got you and you're gonna' rock my world!"

His eyes widened as she took off the rest of her bikini. Despite all he had been through, he was finding himself becoming attracted to her and now after seeing her totally naked - maybe, this wasn't such a bad situation after all.

Delores reached beneath the bed and took out a "boom box". She turned on some soft music - the PROMISE CD by Sade and began to dance an erotic dance. It was easy for her to do. She just thought of Rio.

"Here's the deal Mister," she said in a purring cat like voice. "I know you want to kill me. You probably were hired by somebody and I don't care who. My concern is this... since you killed Marcus I have had no other prospects for a lover. This wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so horny, but you know... I am".

Delores softly touched her thigh.

"I haven't been laid in six weeks. Six weeks! Can you believe that shit?" She bent over, touched her toes and blew him a kiss with her vaginal lips.

"So I tell you what. If you can keep it up long enough for me to climax, I'll let you live."

He couldn't believe it. Was she serious? If she was, his problems were over. He was already aroused.

"If not," she said, "I'll cut your dick off and watch you bleed to death on my bed."

She took a knife from the nightstand drawer and stabbed the bed, just left of the prisoner's ear. He began to panic and tried to break loose.

"Alright," she laughed to herself, "I like a man whose eager to please me."

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