twenty-nine. the princess and the pauper

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As soon as he heard the door click open, Jake jumped down from the stairs and rushed over. He had been cleaning the place since eleven in the afternoon.

Sunghoon's new apartment was even bigger than the last and because the idol had much or less spent only a week in his new abode before leaving abroad, the place needed a good cleaning as well as a few set-ups.

The idol had instructed him to hire a cleaning company to do the work but Jake brushed him off by saying he was better than a cleaning company and that he feared another security breach so the idol finally agreed to have him do as he wished.

Halfway through the cleaning, Jake regretted a bunch of times for not hiring help but when all was done, the regret dissipated like it had never happened. He scanned his work with his hands on his waist and a big grin.

"He'll love it," he said to himself. The next moment, he heard the door click and Jake almost sprained his ankle from the way he was rushing out.

"Hoonie! Uh…" His excitement died down as quickly as it came. The person who'd come was not Sunghoon but this gorgeous, blindingly, jaw-dropping beautiful woman that had Jake stand there like a Sim, quite literally.

"Oh. My. God." The woman began, equally surprised as Jake but soon excitement came over her and she squealed as she ran towards Jake and grabbed his wrist.

"You're that psycho's boyfriend, Jake Sim! Ahahahaha…" The girl laughed, bouncing on her feet.

Jake by now had realised who she was. Sunoo had told him of the Three Headaches in the entertainment industry: Park Sunghoon the Ice Prince, Lee Heeseung the Jester, and Jang Wonyoung the Fairy Princess. They were popular among the average citizen and the citizen working in the entertainment industry for entirely different reasons. The gorgeous girl before him, very tall and incredibly pretty was the Fairy Princess, Jang Wonyoung.

"Right. Where are my manners?" Wonyoung stopped jumping and fixed herself. When she was done she reached out her hand and began again, "my name is Jang Wonyoung, Sunghoon's friend." When Jake shook her hand, she suddenly pushed herself close to him and said frantically, "and I cannot explain how stoke I am to see you. Finally! That crazy psycho kept gatekeeping you from me I had to rush my schedule and fly back to Korea ASAP! Ugh! It's really nice to meet you, Jake. I cannot thank you for your service to the country."


Jang Wonyoung was unlike her camera persona. In private, she was loud. She liked to laugh. She liked to jump and crack jokes. She wasn't the graceful princess on TV, although she still looked breathtaking doing just about anything but there was a 180 degree shift in her personality.

So, Jake simply gaped speechlessly at the surprise. "N-nice to meet you too."

Wonyoung smiled, eyes disappearing into crescents as she squeezed his hand. "I'm so happy Sunghoon found you. I was starting to think that the crazy man was better off alone, alone with his twisted personality and problems. Thank you, Jake, for accepting that crazy man."

"The crazy man returns," a voice announced significantly behind them. Sunghoon stood in the door with his hands inside his pocket, still looking gorgeous in his chaotic but sensible airport fashion with a black luggage, his expression unimpressed as he looked at Wonyoung.

Jake wanted to run in his arms and kiss him, but he was rather cautious of the third party in the room so he held back.

Wonyoung snorted aloud.

"Now, pray tell, what brings Your Highness to my humble abode?" asked Sunghoon with a sardonic smirk.

"Can't an old friend visit? Besides, it was Jake I most wanted to see." Wonyoung twirled and sauntered inside the kitchen. "I smelt something good when I walked in. Is it dinner?"

"Uh, yes. I made dinner."

Jake tried to follow her, to help her set the plates and all, when a firm grasp on his wrist twirled him around and he was engulfed by the coolness of fabric that had been out in the wind and the warmth of Sunghoon's tingling breath.

"I missed you," the idol drew, burying his face in the crook of Jake's shoulder.

Jake returned his hug, his hands snaked around the idol's neck as he pressed himself closer. "I missed you too." He shivered when the idol pressed his lips on his skin. He didn't stop at one but continued to explore, nibbling at small spots until Jake trembled in his arms, his knees buckling and appalled at himself for having made discovery of how sensitive his left nape was.

"Oi! Am I eating alone?! Not that I mind!" Wonyoung suddenly yelled from the kitchen.

She's a totally different person offscreen; thought Jake while Sunghoon tore himself away with a small groan.

The idol whispered, "first, I have to get rid of her." Saying so, he strode towards the kitchen.

Jang Wonyoung left after having eaten her full with a series of squabbling and nagging. She would grin at Jake, but when she looked at Sunghoon she would immediately roll her eyes. And Jake simply watched as the idol threatened to call her manager if she didn't leave, which proved very effective as Wonyoung spewed some sibling-like curses at the idol and left.

"I KNOW! I'M DISTURBING YOUR SEXY TIME!" She laughed aloud as the elevator closed.

Jang Wonyoung behind the scenes was wild, happy-go-lucky and a best friend.

Sunghoon shook his head wordlessly as he pulled Jake inside. "That crazy girl. She's younger than me but I swear, not an ounce of respect. It's all Heeseung's fault. He spoils her too much." The idol begrudgingly grumbled.

"I think she must be lots of fun," said Jake with a smile.

"If you define crazy as fun, sure." Sunghoon took off his coat and threw himself on the couch, one hand reaching out for Jake.

"I made your favorite tiramisu for dessert, but only after you have a meal. Or are you a bit too tired?"

A smile spread across his lips and Sunghoon pulled him closer to feel his warmth. "I love this. Coming home to your sweet scent and warmth. Can you move in with me?"

"No. You live too far from my university."

"Ugh. That's right," the idol groaned. "Sweetie… Darling, my love, can you please move in with me? Or, should I move in with you?"

Jake slapped him lightly on the back of his palm, the one circling around him and pressing him close. "No. I'm going to finish my undergraduate program in a year and a half, so can you wait until then?"

Despite Jake's uneasiness, the idol grinned at him. "If I get to have you beside me for the rest of my life, then I can wait for you for as long as you wish."

Jake sat up, only to dive back down and wrapped his arms around the idol. "I love you," and he meant it with his entire being.

Sunghoon smiled, gently humming as he replied, "I love you most."

I know; his arms are the warmest. His lips are the sweetest. And he loves me most.

The chapters that follow will be considered as 'side stories'. I know. The ending was a bit tasteless, I'm kinda disappointed in myself for it, and I really don't want this to end but neither do I know how to end it so... a few side stories of 'happily ever after' should make up for it—is what I believe.

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