03 | first rehearsal

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Lucy was in the makeup studio doing a series of vocal warmups.

It was finally the first day of rehearsal. She had spent that morning in the gym, with Gajeel, to physically prepare her for today's shoot.

She hadn't noticed it herself, but she remembered Alice telling her that she'd improved a lot in terms of stamina, as– according to the young receptionist– she used to walk around half-dead after one of their sessions.

Lucy snickered mid-lip-roll as her mind replayed Alice's theatrical impression of her.

There was a gentle knock on the door, followed by a short, blonde woman strolling inside. It was Mavis, the author of the original 'Feather in the Night' comic.

Lucy remembered how excited she was to be working with her upon first hearing of the comic's adaptation.

Mavis Vermillion had been her favourite writer since she was a pre-teen. She would often spend her nights under the covers, with a flashlight, reading her works. It was because of her she'd helped Gildarts convince her father to cast her for the series.

"Hey, Lucy!" Mavis greeted, her voice as cheerful as always. "How are you feeling?"

"To be honest..." Lucy started, her smile faltering anxiously. "I'm feeling a little nervous."

It was a strange feeling for her if she was being honest. Back when she was an idol, she was rarely nervous and growing up, she was never camera shy. But today, she couldn't help but be a little.

Mavis laughed softly. "That's perfectly normal," she reassured her. "It's expected to have some nerves."

She pulled out her purse, carrying out a copy of the first volume of the comic. "Let me just tell you this."

She raised it so it was level with Lucy's face, then turned it towards the mirror, gesturing for Lucy to follow.

"You're perfect for this role, Lucy. Gildarts couldn't have found a better actress."

"Thank you, Mavis," she smiled at her warmly.

"So cheer up, you'll be great."

"Yeah," she grinned. "I'm all fired up!"

With that, she made her way to the main studio.

The rest of the cast was already there. Since it was merely a rehearsal, their character costumes were still safely stored away, so everyone was wearing their tracksuits instead.

Gildarts gained her attention by whistling and pointing her to her spot, a white cross in the middle of the stage.

When everyone was in their place, the first scene began.

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Iris was in her room, looking out of her window as she sighed. She gazed longingly at the outside world, yearning for freedom.

She'd never really been outside. Save for the few trips to the park as a little girl, she'd been stuck in the mansion for most of her life.

Her father was a wealthy man; the owner of a large dynasty of hotels across the country. Being his only child and heir to his fortune, he was madly overprotective of her.

From homeschooling to athletics, all her activities were confined to her home, where she was told she was safe.

She watched the people in her back garden. Her stepmother was hosting one of her frequent tea parties. The place was bustling with guests and servants, making the garden seem livelier than it normally was when she took a look outside.

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