06 | commercial break

105 14 37

"Stop crying. It's pathetic," said the shadow in front of her.

The dark figure grew bigger as he spoke, his words fading into the tornado of whispers surrounding her. No, it was her who was shrinking, causing him to tower over her as he diminished her more.

"It's funny," the voice continued. "No one will believe you."

She felt her eyes begin to water. She tried to open her mouth, but the sound was barely noticeable.

"Wait!" she tried.

"Sting, wait!"


The ground collapsed below her, crumbling into pieces as she fell backwards, into the deepest depths of darkness.

★ ★ ★

Lucy sat up abruptly, panting heavily as she clutched the fabric over her pounding heart.

She let out a sigh of relief once her heartbeat calmed, thankful that it was just a nightmare. She groaned in pain as she reached for her forehead, wincing as it throbbed in pain when she blinked.

She kept her head down as she stared into space, her vision still blurred from her sleep. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why were her sheets a different colour? She had white sheets, so why were these dark grey? Had Levy changed them?

She raised her head, scanning the room for Levy. She wasn't in bed with her, or even in the same room at all, so maybe she went out for breakfast already.

When her eyes finally came into focus, she blinked. Then her eyes widened. Her surroundings were completely unfamiliar, The photos on the walls were different, and so were the carpet, the floor and the overall layout of the room.

'Where am I?!'

A wave of panic surged through her as she tried to gauge the situation. She instinctively opened the bedside drawer, frantically searching for her phone. She felt around for a few seconds, but couldn't feel anything. She peered into it.

She let out a shocked gasp. All that was held inside was a pen, some notepad paper, and a pack of condoms...

She quickly slammed the drawer shut.

The sound of a gentle knock came from the door.

After a moment of silence, her co-star walked in, holding a glass of water. Lucy's jaw fell open in surprise.

"You're awake," Natsu acknowledged. He closed the door behind him, nervously clearing his throat.

Lucy blinked. "W-wha..." she tried. "What am I...?"

"It's what it looks like," Natsu stated, plainly. He continued when all she responded with was a perplexed look. "You got hammered last night, so I took you home?"

"Hammered...? You took me home...?" she pieced his words together in her brain, feeling her head grow hot with the added strain of her headache.

"Wait–" she remembered what she'd seen in the drawer. Combined with the current situation, it was all so clear–

"You creep!" she yelled, covering her face with her hands. "How could you do that to me?!"

"What?!" Natsu yelled in surprise, taken aback.

"You took advantage of me when I was drunk!" she shrieked, ears hot with anger.

She took hold of one of the pillows behind her and launched it at him. He jumped to the side in panic, dodging it.

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