Prologue : La fin d'une époque

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Gentlemen, the King has arrived (Deadpool: you should watch your ankles, they're swelling so much that you're going to fly in the air), fuck you Wade. More seriously, I know that for those who have read Batman fanfics I have disappeared from the radar for a while and the reason is very simple:

I was just lazy. ah well sorry guys but with high school, college and my desire to write gone in Mexico, I really didn't want to write a new story. but now, the motivation has returned slightly, I'm not going to force myself to write every time and I'm going to post a chapter as soon as I have the strength to move my ass. (Deadpool: Can I help you?), Wade, stop breaking that 4th wall, we still need it. Well I leave you with the 1st chapter of this new story based on the injustice universe but Marvel version (also I won't post who will be in which camp, I prefer to let you imagine who would be with who)

The multiverse is something fascinating, an infinity of worlds are possible, several resemble ours but what differentiates them are the choices we make on each of these realities

Doctor Otto Octavius

It was supposed to be just another day, a day where a villain terrorizes the city, a day where their heroes save them once again. But this is not one of those days, it will never be one of those days again. There was almost nothing left of the city, the houses were reduced to rubble, the buildings were barely standing, only the D and the B of what was one of the largest press organizations but also a P and an I from a company that helped people. The Avengers and Fantastic 4 tower overlooked a ruined city but could collapse at any time due to the damage sustained. The city once known for never sleeping has fallen asleep. New York was destroyed along with its 8 million inhabitants.

Riker's Island

In an interrogation room, you could hear the laughter of a madman. An adjective that perfectly matches Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin and the current sponsor of the destruction of New York. The sound of a head on a metal table was heard outside the room by the guards but they continued to guard the room and prevent a certain person from entering. Norman raised his head with a big smile as he looked at the person responsible for his interrogation, Tony Stark aka Iron Man.

- "The warhead!" Where did you get it?! » Asks Iron Man angrily

- " What ? do you want one ? your company is incapable of building one, the irony for a former arms manufacturer and dealer. » Norman said disdainfully, waving his hand as if he were repelling a mosquito.

Iron man grabs Norman's collar before headbutting him. He was angry, what Norman had done indescribably and especially to whom he did it. He knew he had to find out how Norman did it and quickly.

- "Why did you do that Norman? Why did you take his city, his family ? »

- " Oh ? you should know Stark, this kid has been holding me back for too long, no matter how hard I tried to break him, he still had the strength to get back up. So I decided to change the difficulty and go straight to his heart like I did with his first girlfriend, what was her name again? George, Gwennie, oh yes! Gwen. » Norman replies with a big smile then laughing

- " You are a monster ! but I know Spider-Man, he will cry but he will move forward, he has his friends, his allies, his brothers who will support him and help him. "You're going to lose Norman again, like you always do, despite the worst atrocities you plan to break him and make him join your cause," Tony says.

- "Oh but my dear Stark, you should know that everyone has a limit. » Announces Norman, smiling and looking at the wall to his left.

In a second, the wall in question breaks and a web blocks the door that separates the guard room. Spider-Man emerges from the dust generated by the collapsing wall. His face was no longer sheltered by his mask and you could see the angry face of the man behind the costume, the man called Peter Parker. His costume was no longer his classic red and blue costume but it was a completely black costume except for the spider symbol covering his chest which was white.

- "Get away from him!" » Peter orders Tony

- "I'm managing the situation" replies the latter trying to calm his friend

- "Sir, it seems that Spider-Man is generating more radiation than usual, I also note an absence of his web shooters as well as the presence of an unknown organ in his handles" declares AI Friday

- "Great, Spider-Man has extra powers, as if he didn't have enough" Tony thinks annoyed

Peter, not listening to his friend's words, walks towards his sworn enemy, still with a look that would scare Black Widow herself. In a split second, he throws the table aside, grabs Norman by the collar and pins him against the wall.

- "You drugged me!" You have me ... ! » Peter yells

He looks sadly at the ground before adding in an equally sad tone

- "Aunt May, John"

His aunt's face comes back to the hero's mind, he had killed her imagining that it was Morlum who had kidnapped them. He remembers the faces of the people who died in the New York explosion, old Logan, Miles Morales, J. Jonah Jameson Senior and Junior, Betty Brant, Jean DeWolff, Eddy Brock, Gerry Drew, so many friends he will never be able to see again because of what he did.

- "First Gwen then your precious Aunt May, your loved ones tend to die because of our clashes, don't they Peter. »

The anger in Peter's eyes reignites and prepares to strike Norman with full force.

- " Spiderman ! No ! » Screams Iron Man

The fist connects with the wall, a few centimeters from the Green Goblin's head.

- "That's what I like about you Peter, you're so naive that it's so easy to manipulate you."

At these words, Peter throws Norman at the wall behind him. The shock made Harry's father let out a grin of pain and he got up with difficulty.

- "Do you think you can still have a family? That locking myself away will magically change me? So responsible, so stupid. » Norman exclaims with a smile as he goes to his chair to sit down.

- "Now go, so I can escape I still have work to do, I'm thinking of going to see your sister, she's going to need someone to comfort her. I might even go see dear Kitty Pryde, her mother must miss her after those beautiful fireworks we created. »

Suddenly, Spider-man grabs Norman and pins him against the wall, his arm putting pressure on his neck.

- "Spider-Man, that's enough!" » Iron man intervened, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

With a simple wave of his hand, Iron Man finds himself sent against a wall. Peter watches Norman smile as a dick begins to erupt from his free hand.

- "It's still too early but do you think you'll be able to love again one day? Maybe you won't kill your new family. » exclaims the green jester with a big smile

From Iron Man's point of view, everything happened in slow motion, he saw Peter take a dart out of his hand and saw him plant it in Norman's heart before pulling it out with a sharp blow. Stepping back, the Green Goblin's dead body falls to the ground with a big smile, happy that his plan finally succeeded.

Today a hero has fallen, a new era is dawning.

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