Chapter I: Year 1 (a new era in progress)

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Hello guys, before you read this chapter I'm going to give you some information so that you can find your place in the story.

DEADPOOL: Ah well finally! I thought you were going to leave readers lost in your story

Well sorry Wade but forget things like that happen, like the fact that chimichangas are being burned 3 blocks from here

DEADPOOL : MY CHIMIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm comming !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well we're going to be quiet for 2 minutes, so as the title indicates the key couple in this story is Kitty and Peter, the events of the story take place well after Spider-Island and take place during the run with the island of Krakoa (Superior never existed for reasons that will come in time). The Marvel style of Injustice will end after year 2 for a very simple reason, I absolutely don't like years 3 to 5 of the Injustice comics, for me it's filler at best. well apart from these small elements, let's move on to the chapter.

Chapter I: Year 1 (a new era in progress)


A young woman stands in front of the house she shares with her husband, wondering how everything went so quickly. Kitty Pryde, that's her name, fought all her life with the X-Men, with certain Avengers and especially with Spider-Man. But, some time ago, she gradually withdrew from the world with the mutants when they left their bags on the island of Krakoa, 8 months ago. At first everything seemed to be going well for them, they finally had a place where they could live happily without being hunted down by members of the Church of Humanity or by sentinels. What a surprise she was when she smashed her nose against one of the portals that would lead her to the island. When she was told that she was not a 100% mutant, her world shattered, several x-men tried to console her but in vain. For weeks, she stayed with her husband, Peter Parker, venting on the criminals she encountered to vent her frustration. Over time, her anger calmed but she was still bitter towards certain members of the council who managed the island of Krakoa as well as certain decisions made by her former mentor Charles Xavier. When she learned what happened in New York, a week ago now, she felt like she was dead. His mother, his father, his in-laws, all reduced to ashes and all thanks to the Green Goblin. She didn't want to believe it, Peter couldn't lose against his lifelong enemy and yet Norman had won. When his death was announced, she was shocked but also relieved. On the one hand, she knew that Peter would never have wanted to kill Norman and that it was his rage that had spoken, and on the other hand she was glad that this monster was six feet under. She is not ashamed to say that if her husband had not killed him, she would have ripped out this monster's heart before crushing it in front of him. After this moment of reflection on what had just happened, Kitty approached the door of the house, but before she could even knock, the door opened and a male figure similar to Peter's stood before her. . This is Kaine Parker aka Tarantula.

- "Hi Kitty, how are you feeling? » asks Kaine tiredly

- "Not good Kaine, but I'm trying to hold on. How is he doing ? » Kitty replies in the same way but with a dejected look.

- "Look for yourself"

Letting Kitty in, Kaine heads to the living room, where they see Peter, still in his black suit, the jester's blood still on it, holding in his hands a photo representing an important moment for him. This was the last photo where Ben Parker was still alive. The photo itself was pretty simple, just Ben, Peter and May sitting behind a table, looking at the camera with big smiles. A simple photo but one that reminded Peter that even if his uncle was not there, his heart, his spirit will always be with him and his aunt. But now she was gone, Peter was the last of this little family and it was all because of him. Locked in this guilt, the latter does not notice his wife, nor his brother.

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