Chapter 3 : The end of Golden Age

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Hi everyone, this chapter was quite complicated to write for different reasons:- I had to pull my fingers out of my ass to write a little after my exams- several ideas have sprouted so that the last one is the one you will read- and also the fact that I have to take my time and make the story coherent and not send it like a package to the post office.So I'm fighting to put in place a coherent chronology of events so that you don't think what a mess you're getting yourself enjoy reading

Earth-001 : loomworld

In the temple where the Web of Life and Destiny is located, a web allowing one to view the lives of spider-men and imparting spider-sense to pure-blood spiders, are two women mourning the loss of their child and their loved ones. Two women having, like the Spider-Man representing the center, lost more than they gained. These two women are Julia Carpenter and Jessica Drew, respectively Madame Web and Spider-Woman. These two women set out on this earth to try to resurrect their child with the power of the web of life and its creator Neth. Unfortunately, the canvas cannot bring back the dead, like all life, everything has a beginning and an end according to the goddess even if this life suddenly dies. This revelation further destroys the will to live of these women who now only look at the ground while they are at the foot of the web, observed by the 2 Spider-Girls aka Anya Corazon and Annie Parker.

- "Do you think they will get over it one day? " asks Anya to her friend

- "I don't know, they all lost Anya, their friends, their families, their children. I think only Logan or Peter can understand what they're going through right now. " replies Annie, keeping an eye on the 2 women

- "Except that right now, Peter must be experiencing the same tragedy as them."

A silence settles after this observation, the two spider-girls continue to watch the two former mothers for what seems like hours before a portal opens and shows a spider that he does not recognize.

- "So this is the place May told me about, it's so gothic and covered in canvas that I could shit out of my mouth if I could." declares the stranger in a gruff tone

- " Who are you ? " asks Annie about these guards

- "My name is Kaine, I come from the earth of Mayday, apparently she knows you. " introduces himself Kaine

- "You come from Earth 982?! what are you doing here?! " asks Anya a little worried, knowing a little about Kaine's character

- "Do what needs to be done" he announces soberly before heading towards the 2 women

Finding himself in front of the two women, the first clone of Peter from an alternate earth (help!!!) grabbed the women by the collar of their outfits before hitting them between them. The pain of this blow brought them out of their catatonic states and their eyes turned towards their attacker.

- "Kaine?"  exclaims Jessica

- "Not your Kaine, my darling! " replies the latter before letting go of the 2 women

- " What are you doing here ? " questions Julia

- "I came because his two kids informed my niece who told me that you are in a bad state because Norman decided to turn New York into a new Chernobyl and that your kids were irradiated to the point of bone "

Kaine's tactless response angered the spider-women and Jessica sent a Venom ray at Kaine who took it without flinching.

- " It's good ? Has your little crisis ended? can we get down to business? "

- "Do you want Kaine? Telling us to stop crying for our dead children?! to stop being weak and we have to get off our ass?! You don't know what it's like to lose a child! only Jessica, me and my Peter know that" declares Julia in tears

- "Do you think you are the only one to have lost a child? I guess since you didn't know me, she didn't tell you what happened. " Kaine said before rubbing his hair exasperated by his niece's airheaded nature.

- " What do you mean ? " asks Jessica intrigued as she wipes the tears she had a little earlier

- "That Mayday was already dead!" 

Kaine's response stops everyone, was Mayday already dead? but how was she able to survive? questions popped into the heads of the spiders present before Kaine began to recount what happened

- "It was a few months ago, long before all his multiverse stuff and other bullshit. Me and May had a vision where she was killed by a member of the Scriers, assassins worshiping Scrier. I tried to stop him by telling him to no longer be Spider-girl but you know how May is, responsible like her damn father. She continued to be spider-girl until the day we were attacked by the Scriers, we had barely started when Mayday came between me and one of the assassins attacking me from the back."

Kaine stopped for two seconds, tired of remembering this event, he was supposed to be the most dangerous in the family but he also remembered that his time with the FBI had really softened him, and his degeneration really hadn't. helped him to be at his childhood level. As for the spider-women, it was a shock to learn this but they were now wondering how Mayday was able to survive? the rest of Kaine's story should reveal to them what happened.

- "When I saw that, I started attacking every assassin I came across, I didn't care if I killed anyone, they had killed my niece and I couldn't forgive that. But, luckily Normie had the symbiote with him, he passed it to May who came back to life."

The explanations finished, Julia and Jessica saw a new image of Kaine, even if it was not their own. That of a man who suffered from being abandoned but who had a new family and would do anything to protect them. But that didn't change their situation, Kaine may have lost May, however it was only for a short moment while for them it would be forever. Knowing what they were saying, Kaine rubs his face before placing his hands on the two women's shoulders.

- "I know that what I suffered is not the same thing as you but the pain remains the same, especially when I learned of Peter's death at the hands of one of the heirs. I thought I was the last Parker alive, not a day went by that I didn't regret what happened with Peter, MJ, Ben, Jasmine, all those people I had hurt , I could never have forgiven myself. But thinking back to the times I had with May, I knew I had to cherish them and keep moving forward because without it, I would have ended up being the monster I was again. I'm not telling you not to grieve or move on straight away, but to remember why you live. Remember that the memory of your child still lives within you and now you must move forward slowly and regain the will to live thanks to those who understand your pain."

As Kaine finished saying what he had to say, he opened a portal and pointed to an image that the web showed, an image that showed Spider-Man, Kitty, Scarlet Spider and Teresa Parker attacking Madripoor.

- "They know your pain, together you will heal, after all, all spiders must stick together." he said with a smile before crossing the gate which closed

Kaine's words touched Julia, Jessica and also Anya and Annie. Rachel and Gerry are dead, but their memory lives on through them and now they will live on for them. Their Spider-Family needs them, so watch out Madripoor, the Spider-Ladys will join the party.

and here is the first appearance of Kaine from earth 982, who could have helped during the confrontation with the heirs because as a reminder Kaine is the strongest of all the spider-men (symbiote and cosmic power not included).also for those who read the spider-girl comics, Mayday was almost dead but to add more weight I made sure she was dead and the fact that the symbiotes can bring people back to life is true and verified

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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