Advice for upcoming myths.

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Hello, so today I thought why not provide some advice that could benefit upcoming ROBLOX myths, while I may not be a ROBLOX myth myself I do have some tips that I've learned from my experience in the myth community so without further to do let us begin.


The first thing you'll want to do is create a ROBLOX account, you should consider ACTUALLY trying to be creative with your username since a lot of the newer myths I've come across do not usually have unique usernames, to begin with so I highly recommend you spend a lot of time and consideration into your username because if your username is extremely basic most people will not immediately be interested in your myth, I highly suggest not making your username something edgy because most people will just think you're trolling so there is a high percentage that most individuals will simply not interact with you in the first place.


TRY to make your myth look original if it seems extremely bland and boring that won't make many people interested in it, I don't think Robux is necessary for making a decent avatar but I'd say it definitely makes your avatar appear more unique than others because let's be honest here, most free items are just overused so wearing them might make you appear as just a regular player than a myth though that's just my opinion you can still use some free items for your myth, I recommend using items that are made by ROBLOX while making up your myths avatar though that is just a suggestion since MOST of the OLDER items created by ROBLOX look good in my opinion but you can still use UGC items just try to make your avatar look original and try not to make them a copy of other popular myths, TRY not to wear items that are known by popular myths such as 'Bozo the clown' hat, I mean it's sort of alright if you use that since a lot of clown myths use that but in my opinion it just looks a bit unoriginal since it's been used so many times.


Now for your profile's description, I personally think you shouldn't give out too much information about your myth or its backstory in general, most importantly try to use decent grammar since otherwise most myth hunters may not take you seriously, I suggest only adding one or two sentences for your description, something unique that stands out so I personally think you shouldn't put something common that has been used in the past by multiple popular myths also do NOT mention the fact that you are a myth, I highly suggest you don't put binary codes in your description, it is alright if the binary code messages are actually intriguing but if it's something edgy or childish such as "IM GONNA KILL YOU." uhh... just don't?? try to have common sense and decent grammar unless your myth is a kindergarten myth (Kindergarten myths are very different from other myths, they use broken English a lot and use poor grammar but in a comedic way - taken from one of Stalzie's videos called '10 Types of Roblox Myths').


You should spend a lot of time developing your myth as a character, try to develop things that'll help identify your myth more such as their backstory, personality, fears, interests, likes, and dislikes, something I recommend is to give your myth reasonings for why they behave the way they do like their personality can be a response to trauma or to even cope with their trauma but that's just something that makes myths more fascinating for me personally, try to give them character flaws too, it is completely alright if your myth is good at certain things but do NOT make them overly flawless to the point they appear as a Mary Sue, also PLEASE try your BEST to make their backstory as original and as interesting as possible and remember! originality is the key. 


Alright so, in my opinion, I think you should ONLY start working on your game AFTER you finish developing your myth's personality and backstory as a whole so you should probably think for a few days about what your first game should be about since rushing usually makes the results turn out horrible and there's no need to rush if you wish to have a good story, personally I think knowing how to script and model is a necessity for creating a game for your myth, finally after all that you make your first game with love and care and not for greed. I HIGHLY suggest learning how to script and model because using free models may lead to your game looking unprofessional and it'll just look like you didn't put in the effort, it's okay to use a few free models like Skies and Blocks but make sure if you're going to use free models ONLY use the ones made by the OFFICAL roblox account since those ones are the safest and others made by actual users sometimes contain viruses, After you finish your game remember to publish and export it to ROBLOX, another tip is to try to have an original title and description for your game like do not name it something extremely basic as "my happy place" since titles such as that have already been used in the past by popular myths and it'll just appear as if you're copying them.


After you finish making your myth you'll obviously want people to investigate it so here's some advice, do NOT over-advertise as it'll just make you seem like an annoying spammer in people's eyes and they won't want to check out your myth, Try to attend ROBLOX myth events to advertise your myth but don't over advertise, try talking with people (Yeah you gotta socialize lmao) and if they find you interesting they might even check out your games but PLEASE do NOT use other people and don't only talk to them for the purpose of gaining visits, if you want to be notified for those events by popular myths I highly suggest you check out those myths discord servers because they usually announce events they're holding there, just try not to be annoying and if you do manage to attend one of their events and try to be respectful and have decent grammar, most myths tend to appear serious and they usually annoyed by people who troll and appear disrespectful so you'll probably get kicked from the events if you try to troll or simply act disrespectful. 

That'll be all for today. Happy creating!! ^_^

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