Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

My body hits the pavement. I throw up on the ground and roll over. My ears are ringing and my muscles feel limp. I open my eyes and hear people yelling. I look to see I'm in the middle of the street. Also a car is coming straight towards me.

"Fuck!" I snap out of my shock and quickly stumble up, running off the street.

The car rolls down their window and slows down. The driver screams out, "Idiot! Get off the fucking street!" The car drives off.

I look around to the shocked faces of people around me. Where the hell am I? All these people are japanese. I look at the signs of stores around me, all in japanese. Am I in Japan? I spot some people with inhuman features. Nope this is definitely not Japan or anywhere from where I'm from. They're also all speaking English, at least that's what it sounds like to me. How did I even get here? Last thing I remember was walking down the hallways of my school, now I'm here. Wherever this place is.

A hand touches my shoulder, "Are you okay?"

I look up from the hand to the person's indigo eyes. She has black hair and a very suggestive outfit on. People are starting to dissipate from the crowd, losing interest.

I brush her hand off me, "I don't know." I blankly look into the distance. I need to figure out what the fuck is going on. As far as I know, no one here is trustworthy.

She grabs on to the arm, "I'm going to accompany you to the hospital. My name is Midnight, I'm a hero. You don't need to be scared."

I resist the urge to laugh. My tone was laced with sarcasm, "Yeah right. I don't need to go to the hospital, I'm fine. Plus you must have a screw loose or something," I point directly at her face and say the next part sternly, "Heroes. Aren't. Real."

Midnight pov

Midnight takes a step back, surprised at this random girl's confidence. Then her face turns to one of confusion. 'What does this girl mean heroes aren't real? She must have a bigger concussion than she thought. She did drop through a portal after all.'

Once Midnight snaps out of it she realizes the girl is already walking through the crowd. She looks about sixteen. She also has blood dripping from the back of her head.

Midnight follows behind the girl and pulls out her phone. She calls Nezu, informing of her weird interaction with this girl.

"So you're telling me some random sixteen year old girl dropped from a portal in the sky, landed on the road, almost got hit by a car and refused help?" he pauses. "That's very odd. Do you think she's a villain?"

"No, she doesn't fit that, she's more- I don't know- Like she's not from here. She said 'Heroes aren't real' and she seemed to be laughing at me for saying that I'm one. She was also wearing different clothes. Clothes that had English on them, even though she spoke fluent japanese.

"She barfed when she landed and she looked in pain. The back of her head was bleeding so I don't think she planned any of this," Midnight finishes her reflection.

"Hmm," Nezu thinks on the other line. What should he do? Nezu continues, "Bring her to recovery girl. She'll be able to heal her and question her discreetly.

"I don't think she will go with me willingly, she doesn't seem to trust me."

Nezu answers, "I don't care how get her there, just make sure she gets to recovery girl."

"Right," Midnight ends the call.

Y/n pov

Oh god my head hurts.

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