Chapter 5

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"Where do you think you're going?" Shigaraki asks menacingly.

Still hoping I can act my way out of this, I quirk my eyebrow, "Back to UA? I need some sleep." I attempt to pull my wrist away. I fail.

"No, you're coming with us."

I attempt to pull away my wrist again.

This sets Shigaraki off the edge, "Try to pull away again and I'll use my quirk on you." He threatens.

I scoff, unafraid. He doesn't know his quirk won't work on me. I challenge, "I'd like to see you try." I manage to escape his grip this time when I pull away.

He gives me a demented look. This guy's got a screw loose.

Immediately after I escape his grip I run. I'm outta here.

"Kurogiri!" I hear Shigaraki yell behind me.

As I run a few more steps, I suddenly see one of Kurogiri's portals appear in front of me. I'm running too fast to stop. I run through the portal and find I don't get teleported anywhere. This is unsurprising to me, but the villains behind me disagree.

I don't hear them chasing after me, so I look behind me quickly. They've disappeared?

Not watching where I'm going I run into the body of someone in front of me.

I look up to see Shigaraki. They must've used a portal.

Shigaraki grabs both my wrists this time. The rest of the villains surround me. More cautious this time.

"How the hell did you do that?" Shigaraki's eyes look into mine intensely.

I hesitate before responding, "I'm not telling you."

Slowly he places five fingers on me. Quickly taking one finger off. He didn't want to disintegrate me, just try to put me in my place. But much to his surprise I don't scream out in pain. His face collapses. He places five fingers on me again, longer this time. Nothing. He keeps his five fingers on me. Nothing happens.

He looks up at me shocked.

I take advantage of his surprise and punch his throat with full force. He bends over holding his throat. What? I know some self defense.

The rest of the battle ensues between me and the rest of the group. It takes no time for each of them to find that none of their quirks work on me. Shigaraki regains his breath then tackles my body onto the ground instantly.

"Kurogiri, get me something to tie her down with!" He commands. I struggle underneath him.

Kurogiri teleports somewhere and comes back with some rope. They tie me up and blindfold me. I feel one of them carry me in their arms. I squirm in their grip. They carry me for a long time. Toga complains how annoying it is that they can't teleport me back to base.

I feel a breeze across my face as I'm carried into a new environment.

The person carrying me sets me down on a chair. The group work together to tie me to it as I struggle against them.

Twice takes off my blindfold.

I fight against the ropes one last time, "Why'd you go through all this work to kidnap me?! I'm not even in the hero course!" I give up trying to escape my restraints.

I look around the room seeing I'm in a bar. This is their base. My eyes fall on blue ones. Dabi. I see him look at me a bit surprised. I look back to the group of jokers in front of me.

Shigaraki falters in his response, not really sure why he kidnapped me himself. "Because- Because you're from UA! That's a hero school!"

I glare at him, "So? I'm not a hero! Your fight is not with me."

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