Chapter 3

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I hear voices that echo through the dorms, the class must be here. I lazily get up from my bed. Finally I've been waiting here forever. I head out my room and walk down the hall. Making my way towards the elevator. I land in the elevator and press the button to the main floor. Hearing the excited voices getting louder the closer I get.

The elevator dings and I step out. I turn the corner to the main room. I see the whole class mingling and conversing. Once they notice me the whole crowd of them fall silent and stare.

"You're the girl from before!" Kirishima shouts.

"Uh yeah-"

I'm immediately cut off by Mina, "Your name is y/n right? What are you doing here?"

The rest of the class stares in confusion, not knowing who I am. The only exceptions are Midoriya, Bakugo, Mina, Kirishima, Todoroki and Asui. Since they previously met me in the nurse's room.

"Teachers moved me here," Avoiding the question since I don't know how much I should tell them.

The students immediately start coming up with more questions. Their voices all fill the room simultaneously. I can't hear what anyone's saying. They all start to crowd me. I've had enough.

"Will you-" I start to speak but my voice is drowned out by more questions, "Will you all just shut the fuck up!" I yell.

The room falls silent. I run my hands through my hair in frustration. The class backs up giving me some space.

"I've had a crazy two days," I say to the group calmly, "Sorry for blowing up, I just don't want to answer questions right now."

No one in the group responds. The door of the dorm entrance creaks open. Everyone looks over to who entered.

It's Aizawa, the man from the nurse's office. The teacher of class 1A and hero.

He makes eye contact with me when he walks in and I glare back.

His eyes travel to his students that surround me, "Ah, yes. Everyone this is y/n she'll be staying in the dorms with you guys as of today." He walks up to me, "Did All Might show you your room?"

"Yes," I continue to glare at him. The other students seem confused on why I lack respect for the hero.

"Have you gone shopping for supplies yet?"

"No, I was waiting for the class to get here. All Might told me to have someone accompany me to go shopping."

The class observes the interaction. All with curious eyes.

Aizawa turns to the class. Unenthused he asks, "Who wants to accompany y/n to go shopping?"

Mina and Aoyama volunteer, "We can take her shopping!"

Aizawa turns back to me, "Great, that's all sorted out. And about the misunderstanding in the nurse's room..." I listen carefully to his next words. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Thank you for saying that," I reply respectfully.

The class gapes, they've never heard Aizawa apologize to a student.


After spending the rest of the afternoon and evening shopping for supplies. I feel wiped. Mina and Aoyama were very nice and they respected my wishes of not being bombarded with questions.

We arrived together back from the mall. I carry my bags full of clothes and other essentials up to my dorm. Me and Mina go up the elevator together. When Mina figured out we're beside each other for our dorms she jumped excitedly and said 'dorm buddies'.

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