Chapter 7

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Today I'm meeting Eri. A while ago she was saved from Overhaul. Midoriya said she'll be coming over to the dorms today and wants to meet the new girl. I agreed of course. I remember Eri in the anime was really adorable.

I stand outside waiting for Midoriya and Eri. They said they'd be here five minutes ago... I tilt my head in frustration. I'm getting tired of waiting. Suddenly I hear the two voices I've been waiting for. I look over to them. Eri is on top of Midoriya's shoulders.

"And then he said 'I thought you-" Eri stops talking to Midoriya when she notices me. She goes quiet.

"Hey y/n!" Midoriya smiles at me.

"Hey Midoriya!" I smile back. I look over to Eri, "And you must be Eri."

She shies away. Midoriya sweat drops, "She's a bit shy meeting new people."

I beam at this, "I understand. It's nice to meet you Eri."

He chuckles at this, "I was thinking we could go to a park. What do you think?"

"That sounds good," I look back at Eri, "Do you want to go to the park Eri?"

She nods timidly.

Me and Midoriya both nod to each other. We walk out of UA and head to a nearby park. Eri plays on the swings.

"She's loosened up now," I comment watching as Midoriya pushes her on the swings. She's giggling like crazy.

"Yeah, she's still getting used to meeting new people." He briefly glances at me then looks back to Eri, "It's good for her. She's still traumatized from Overhaul so we're getting her used to normal life."

"Makes sense. It must be hard for her."

"Yeah, she's doing better now though."

Eri finishes playing on the swing and stares at the other kids playing at the park. It looks like she wants to join.

"Do you want to ask to play with them Eri?" I ask her.

She remains staring at the kids. She then turns to me and nods.

Me and Midoriya walk up with her to the kids and encourage her. She gains the confidence to ask if she can join. The kids agree and they all play together for the rest of the afternoon. Me and Midoriya make mindless chit-chat on a bench as we watch Eri.

"So is there anything going on with you and Uraraka?"

His face turns pink. His voice goes up a few pitches, "No, why would you think that?"

"Oh, sorry, I thought you guys were dating."

"We aren't but-" He cuts himself off and covers his mouth.

I eye him curiously, "But?"

His face is now fully red, "I like her." His eyes look away shyly.

I hum, "I'm rooting for you guys." I lean back into the bench.

"Really?" he questions, looking back at me.

"Yeah," I glance from Eri to him, "I'm pretty sure Uraraka likes you too."

"Did she tell you that?"

"No, I just have a feeling. You should think about telling her how you feel."

He groans, "I have been thinking about it. I just feel really nervous about it." His face sinks into his hands. The red tint has mostly disappeared.

"Well that's understandable."

Eri walks up to us now that the kids have left, "Can we go home now? I'm tired."

"Yep! I'm feeling ready to go too!" Midoriya hops from the bench. We walk back to UA. Eri returns back to Aizawa at the dorms.

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