Chapter 10

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The lights to the dorm are all on. Bakugo dragged me back in forcefully and threw me on the common area couch. He's been sitting across from me since. His hands are closed together and his elbows rest on his knees. He hasn't looked at me since. It's officially morning now. That's why he caught me leaving. He goes out for a run early in the morning.

I hear chatter flow into the room. Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki enter the area.

Immediately Midoriya and Uraraka's arms are around me. Todoroki analyzes the situation from a distance. He notices the bag outside and how Bakugo looks like my guard dog.

Aizawa walks in the dorms. He notices me immediately, "Y/n, you need to come to the principal's office right now."

I turn to him with dumb eyes, "Huh?"

Bakugo retorts, "Don't act stupid." He glares at me.

He pushes me.


Aizawa interrupts, "Y/n!" He looks at me expectantly.

I get up from my seat like a prisoner. I follow Aizawa out of the dorms into the main building. We reach Nezu's office silently. Aizawa holds the door open for me insensately.

"Y/n," Nezu greets me. His eyes are dismayed. He stands out of his desk chair, "We didn't know where you went. We couldn't find you anywhere. When did you get back? We've had a team of people all searching for you..." He continues to jumble out his thoughts.

"I was kidnapped," I rub my lip. "It was a blur how it went, I don't remember most of it," I attempt to recall what happened the past day. Adrenaline was coursing through my veins. I barely remember nearly anything. "The only thing I remember is being in a lab. There was someone telling me 'He's found out who you are.'"

Nezu furrows his eyebrows.

Aizawa then closes the door to the office.

I look back.

Turning back to Nezu, I ask, "I'm not sure who they meant by 'He' and why would someone care about who I am?"

"Y/n, whoever these people are, they want to hurt you. We will stop them," Nezu avoids the question.

More memories flood in my mind quietly.

"Is there anymore that you can remember y/n?" Aizawa interrupts.

My shoulder shrugs, "No."

My eyes close.

I open them.

Nezu nods, eyes slit.

"We're going to have to reflect on ways to ensure your safety y/n."

"What do you mean?"

"Well for tonight you can sleep with someone else in their dorm. You can choose who, just make sure to inform Aizawa. We will share new safety rules for you tomorrow. I'm glad you're not hurt-"

"Do you know how crazy you sound right now?!" My arms lash out of my body.


Nezu massages his face, "I don't think you get it y/n. You don't have a say in this. You have valuable information."

"No, I don't."
"Yes you do. You know people's pasts in this world! You know our future!" Aizawa barbarically advances towards me. Enmeshed with me he yells, "Those people know that! They know you're quirk immune!"

He takes a breath.

A tear rolls from my eyes.

Aizawa steps away, "I apologize." He leaves the room.

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